CONCEPT 10 - Spirituality Flashcards
Is the concept of spirituality an elusive concept to define?
In nursing advocate the position that a patient’s quality of life, health, and sense of wholeness are affected by what?
Why do the profession of nursing struggle to define spirituality?
Because there are a number of explanations for this
What does spirituality represents?
“heart” not “head” knowledge, and “heart” knowledge is difficult to encapsulate into words.
Why is a precise definition of spirituality somewhat elusive?
Because spirituality is unique to each person
What does the definition of spirituality encompass?
A principle, an experience, attitudes and belief regarding God, a sense of God, and the inner person
According to Mary Elizabeth O’Brien, Spirituality, as a personal concept, is generally understood in what terms?
individual’s attitudes and belief related to transcendence (God) or to the nonmaterial forces of life and of nature
O’Brien concluded that most descriptions of spirituality include what?
It includes not only transcendence but also the connection of mind, body, and spirit, in addition to love, caring, and compassion and a relationship with the Divine
To what is Stoll’s definition derived from and related to?
It is clearly related to a belief in God and derived from a Christian theistic worldview
It is important to note that individuals can view themselves as being very spiritual believing that there is a transcendent being?
What is spirituality, as suggested by Dr. Harold Koenig?
“Spirituality represents a search for the sacred or transcendent (God, Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, Brahman, Ultimate Truth of Reality).”
What is the definition of Faith, as defined by Dyess?
It refers to an “evolving pattern of believing, that grounds and guides authentic living and gives meaning in the present moment of inter-relating.”
What is the definition of Religiosity?
It is an external expression (public or private) in the form of practicing a belief or faith, whereas spirituality is an internalized spiritual identity (or experiential). Specifically, religiosity is defined as “the adherence to religious dogma or creed, the expression of moral beliefs, and/ or the participation in organized or individual worship, or sacred practices.”
What is the scope of spirituality?
It is quite broad and encompasses life itself and its meaning as perceived by each individual.
Spirituality is based on what?
Religious convictions, teachings, and experiences that provide moral direction and a sense that individuals are part of a larger plan and that each of us belongs to a Higher Being.
Is it true that everyone has a spiritual nature, a sense that there is more than what is experienced day to day, month to month, year to year until death?
What does spirituality encompasses?
The mundane activities of life that keep us grounded as well as those magnificent times and experiences when our innermost spirit soars with any number of emotional responses, including exquisite joy, dark and deep sorrow, laughter and fun, and all emotions in between.
What happens when we desire with all our might to hold onto a particular event along with the feelings and thoughts that accompany that event, our desire is linked to awareness at some level that convinces us that the event has forever changed us in a profound manner?
A spiritual response.
Births, deaths, marriages, separations, divorces, terrible diagnoses, joy, and sorrow all possess what kind of ability?
Ability to touch our spirits in a profound manner.
Who may experience these life-changing events?
The meaning and significance of the event might only be experienced by one individual, others who might be participants in the event might be left virtually untouched and unchanged.
What is included in these life-changing spiritual events?
It includes just about any occurrence that has intense and personal relevance to those involved in the event.
Give examples that are included in spiritually life changing events?
It includes births, deaths, weddings, divorces, illnesses, diagnoses, and loss of abilities, loss of independence, and death.
Does these events have the power to change individuals and families and draw people toward the transcendent?
What are the attributes of the concept of spirituality in the context of nursing care?
• Spirituality is universal. All individuals, even those who profess no religious belief, are driven to derive meaning and purpose from life. • Illness impacts spirituality in a variety of ways. Some patients and families will draw closer to God or however they conceive that Higher Power to be in an effort to seek support, healing, and comfort. Others may blame and feel anger toward that Higher Power for any illness and misfortune that may have befallen a loved one or their entire family. Still others will be neutral in their spiritual reactions. • There has to be willingness on the part of the patient and/ or family to share and/ or act on spiritual beliefs and practices. • The nurse needs to be aware that specific spiritual beliefs and practices are impacted by family and culture. • The nurse needs to be willing to assess the concept of spirituality in patients and families and, based on this ongoing assessment, to integrate the spiritual beliefs of patients and families into care. • The nurse needs to be willing to refer the patient or family to a spiritual expert— that is, a minister, priest, rabbi, or imam• Community-based religious organizations can provide supportive care to families and patients, and nurses need to be aware of these resources.