Chapter 6 Pt. 3 Flashcards
What is muscle tone?
the state of intermediate contraction of a whole skeletal muscle
a muscle that lacks muscle tone is _____
What is the process of muscle twitch?
latent period —-> contraction phase —-> relaxation phase
What is summation?
the second contraction is added to the first
Why does summation occur?
because an increasing number of muscle cells are stimulated to contract
What is tetanus?
when the muscle goes into a sustained, powerful contraction
What is fatigue?
when the muscle will stop contracting despite continued stimulation
What does energy for muscle contraction look like after 6 seconds of exercise?
ATP stored in muscles
What does energy for muscle contraction look like after 10 seconds of exercise?
ATP formed from creative phosphate and ADP
What does energy for muscle contraction look like after 30-40 seconds of exercise, if oxygen is limited?
glucose oxidized to lactic acid
What does energy for muscle contraction look like after 30-40 seconds of exercise, if oxygen is present?
heart beats faster to deliver oxygen more quickly
myoglobin releases oxygen
After prolonged exercise, _______ _____ is paid back
oxygen debt
After prolonged exercise, you breath heavily to deliver oxygen, resulting in:
1) lactic acid used to produce ATP
2) creatine phosphate restored
3) oxygen restored to myoglobin
4) glycogen reserves restored
What is oxygen-debt?
created by the muscles’ using more ATP than was provided by aerobic metabolism
What are the 2 general types of skeletal muscle cells?
1) Slow-twitch muscle cells
2) Fast-twitch muscle cells
What are Slow-twitch muscle cells?
contract slowly when stimulated, but with enormous endurance
What are Fast-twitch muscle cells?
contract rapidly and powerfully, but with far less endurance
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
designed for endurance
Slow-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
contract slowly
Slow-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
strong, sustained contraction
Slow-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
steady supply of energy
Slow-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
designed of rapid, powerful response
Fast-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
contract rapidly
Fast-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
short, powerful contraction because there is more actin and myosin than in slow-twitch muscle cell
Fast-twitch muscle cells
Is this Slow-twitch or Fast-twitch muscle cell:
depend more heavily on anaerobic metabolic pathways to generate ATP, so fatigue rapidly
Fast-twitch muscle cells
True or False: People have the same amount of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle cells
False; People vary in the amount of slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle cells they possess
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
walking, jugging, or swimming
aerobic exercise
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
enough oxygen is delivered to the muscles to keep them going for long periods
aerobic exercise
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
increases muscle coordination, improves digestive tract movement, and increases the strength of the skeleton
aerobic exercise
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
cardiovascular and respiratory system improvements
aerobic exercise
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
does not increase muscle size
aerobic exercise
Is this aerobic or resistance exercise:
muscular development
resistance exercise
What is delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)?
after intense exercise, muscles sometimes become tender and weak
Forcing muscles to exert more than 75% of their maximal strength adds ___________ to existing muscle cells and increases the ____ ________
cell diameter