Chapter 15 Pt. 2 (Final Exam Pt. 10) Flashcards
What are the 3 pairs of salivary glands and where are they located?
(1) sublingual-below the tongue
(2) submandibular-below the jaw
(3) parotid-in front of the ears
the ________ is a large skeletal muscle studded with taste buds
What is a bolus?
a small soft mass
the movement of the larynx causes a cartilaginous flap known as the _________ to move
What is the voluntary phase of swallowing?
the tongue pushes food
food is moved along the esophagus and all the rest of the GI tract by rhythmic waves of muscle contraction called __________
What are the 3 functions of the stomach?
(1) storing food and regulating the release of food to the small intestine
(2) liquefying food
(3) carrying out the initial chemical digestion of proteins
bands of circular muscle called _________ guard the openings of each end of the stomach and regulate the release of food to the small intestine
_________ of a sphincter closes the opening
_________ of a sphincter allows material to pass through
What is heartburn?
occurs when the pressure of the stomach contents overwhelms the sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus, causing a burning sensation behind the breastbone
What constitutes chronic heartburn?
heartburn that occurs at least once per week
food is generally stored and processed within the stomach for __ to __ hours
the additional mechanical digestion occurs as the food is churned and mixed with secretions produced by the glands of the stomach until it is a soupy mixture called ______
the lining of the stomach has millions of gastric pits, within which are _______ ______ containing several types of secretory cells
gastric glands
What is pepsin?
a protein digesting enzyme
gastric juice is a mixture of ______ and ____
What are the major functions of the small intestine?
major functions:
(1) chemical digestion
(2) absorption
What is duodenum?
the first region of the small intestine
What is villi?
are tiny 1 mm projections that cover the entire lining surface of the small intestine
What is microvilli?
microscopic projections; the absorptive epithelial cells covering the surface of each villus
What is a brush border?
a fuzzy surface formed by the microvilli
What is lacteal?
a lymphatic vessel
the products of fat digestion, glycerol and fatty acids, combine with bile salts in the small intestine, creating particles called _______
the glycerol and fatty acids are reassembled into triglyceride, are mixed with cholesterol and phospholipids, and are coated with special proteins, thus becoming part of a complex known as a __________
Which accessory organ is this: an accessory organ that lies behind the stomach, extending from the small intestine toward the left side of the body
What is the largest internal organ in the body?
What are diseases of the liver?
Which liver disease is this:
a condition in which the liver becomes fatty and gradually deteriorates, its cells eventually being replaced by scar tissue
Which liver disease is this:
is inflammation of the liver
Which liver disease is this:
the condition in which the accumulating bilirubin is deposited in the skin and the whites of the eyes, causing a yellow tint
How does a portal system transports blood from one capillary bed to another?
What are the steps?
(1) products of digestion are absorbed into the capillaries within the villi of the small intestine
(2) digested food molecules then travel through hepatic portal veins to the liver
(3) the liver monitors blood contents
(4) Hepatic veins deliver blood to the circulatory system
What are gallstones?
consist primarily of cholesterol that has precipitated from bile during storage in the gallbladder
What are the primary functions of the large intestine?
(1) to absorb most of the water remaining in the indigestible food residue
(2) to store the feces
(3) to eliminate them from the body
Why are feces brown?
comes from bile pigments
What are the 4 regions of the large intestine?
(1) cecum
(2) colon
(3) rectum
(4) anal canal
What is the cecum?
a pouch that hangs below the junction of the small and large intestines
What is the appendix?
slender wormlike pouch, extending from the cecum
What region of the large intestine is the appendix located?
What is the largest region of the large intestine?
What are the different sections of the colon?
ascending colon
transverse colon
descending colon
Which section of the colon is this:
the right side of the abdomen
ascending colon
Which section of the colon is this:
across the top of the abdominal cavity
transverse colon
Which section of the colon is this:
the left side
descending colon
Which region of the large intestine is this:
where the feces get pushed into
Which region of the large intestine is this:
stretching the rectal wall and initiating the defection reflex
Which region of the large intestine is this:
2 rings of muscles, called sphincters, must relax to allow defecation
anal canal
2 rings of muscles, called sphincters, must relax to allow defecation:
the _______ sphincter relaxes automatically
the _______ sphincter is under voluntary control