Chapter 17 Pt. 3 (Final Exam Pt. 14) Flashcards
What are the physiological effects of menopause?
loss of a layer of fat hot flashes facial hair grows increased risk of disease of the heart and blood vessels osteoporosis
What is premenstrual syndrome (PMS)?
a collection of symptoms that appear in some women 7 to 10 days before their period begins
What is prostaglandins?
chemicals used in communication between cells in many parts of the body, are the primary cause of menstrual cramps
What is endometriosis?
a condition in which tissue form the lining of the uterus is found outside the uterine cavity
What are the 2 basic physiological changes of sexual arousal and sexual intercourse?
(1) certain tissues fill with blood (vasocongestion)
(2) certain muscles undergo sustained or rhythmic contractions
What is the sexual response cycle?
(1) excitement-increased arousal
(2) plateau-continued arousal
(3) organism-climax
(4) resolution-rerun to a normal level of functioning
What is abstinence?
not having sexual contact at all
True or False: sterilization protects against STDs
False; sterilization offers no protection against STDs
What is sterilization in males?
What is sterilization in females?
tubal ligation
What is a vasectomy?
the vas defers on each side is cut to prevent sperm form leaving the man’s body
What is tubal ligation?
involves blocking the oviducts to prevent the egg and sperm from meeting
What are the 2 types of hormonal contraception?
(1) combo estrogen and progesterone contraception
(2) progesterone-only contraception
a _____ ______ and ________ _____ are examples of combo estrogen and progesterone contraception.
skin patch
vaginal ring
True or False: progesterone-only contraception provide no protection against STDs
What is an intrauterine devices (IUD)?
a small device that is inserted into the uterus by a physician to prevent pregnancy
What are the various forms of barrier methods?
(1) diaphragm
(2) cervical cap
(3) contraceptive sponge
(4) male condom
(5) female condom
What is the difference between a male condom and female condom?
male condom- a thin sheath of latex, polyurethane, or natural membranes (“skin”) that is rolled onto an erect penis, where it fits like a glove
female condom- a loose sac of polyurethane, a clear plastic that resembles the type used in a food-storage bag
Which type of barrier method is this:
a dome-shaped, soft rubber cup containing a flexible ring
Which type of barrier method is this:
smaller than a diaphragm and fits snugly over the cervix
cervical cap
Which type of barrier method is this:
a small sponge that contains a sperm-killing chemical
contraceptive sponge
What are spermicidal preparations?
consist of sperm-killing chemical in some form of carrier, such as foam, cream, jelly, film, or tablet
What is fertility awareness?
is a way to reduce the risk of pregnancy by avoiding intercourse on all days on which sperm and egg might meet
What is emergency contraception?
a means of contraception that can actually be used in the first few few days after unprotected intercourse
What are the STDs caused by bacteria?
(1) chlamydia
(2) gonorrhea
(3) syphilis
___________ is the most frequently reported infectious disease in the U.S.
__________ is one of the oldest known sexually transmitted diseases
chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause _______ ___________ ________, which can lead to scar tissue formation in the oviducts.
pelvic inflammatory disease
What is a pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
the general term for an infection of the pelvic organs
What are the symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
abdominal pain or tenderness lower-back pain pain during intercourse abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge fever or chills
What are the symptoms of chlamydia is women?
- vaginal discharge
- vaginal bleeding between periods
- pain during urination and intercourse
- abdominal pain accompanied by fever and nausea
What are the symptoms of chlamydia is men?
- urethral discharge
- pain during urination
How do you treat chlamydia?
What are the effects of chlamydia?
(1) Long-term reproductive consequences, such as sterility
(2) infection can pass to infant during childbirth
(3) can cause rupture of the protective membrane surrounding the fetus
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in women?
- vaginal discharge
- pain during urination and bowel movement
- cramps and pain in lower abdomen
- more pain than usual during menstruation
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea in men?
- thick yellow or white discharge from penis
- inflammation of the urethra
- pain during urination and bowel movements
How do you treat gonorrhea?
What are the effects of gonorrhea?
(1) Can cause long-term reproductive consequences, such as sterility
(2) infection can pass to infant during childbirth
(3) can cause heart trouble, arthritis, and blindness
How do you treat syphilis?
large doses of antibiotics over a prolonged period
What are the effects of syphilis?
Infection can pass to fetus during pregnancy
can cause heart disease, brain damage, blindness, and death
The 3 stages of Syphilis:
(1) syphilis is characterized by a chancre, a hard, painless, crater-shaped bump at the place in the body where the bacteria entered, usually the genitals
(2) a reddish-brown rash covers the entire body, including the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
(3) lesions, called gammas, shown here on the hand, are characteristics of the third stage of syphilis. these lesions can also form on the blood vessels, the central nervous system, and the bones.
The 3 stages of Syphilis:
(2) a reddish-brown rash covers the entire body, including the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet
(3) lesions, called gammas, shown here on the hand, are characteristics of the third stage of syphilis. these lesions can also form on the blood vessels, the central nervous system, and the bones.
(1) syphilis is characterized by a chancre, a hard, painless, crater-shaped bump at the place in the body where the bacteria entered, usually the genitals
The 3 stages of Syphilis:
(1) syphilis is characterized by a chancre, a hard, painless, crater-shaped bump at the place in the body where the bacteria entered, usually the genitals
(3) lesions, called gammas, shown here on the hand, are characteristics of the third stage of syphilis. these lesions can also form on the blood vessels, the central nervous system, and the bones.
(2) a reddish-brown rash covers the entire body, including the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet