Chapter 21 Pt. 4 Flashcards
What are the two ways genetic engineering has been used?
(1) genetic engineering provides a way to produce large quantities of a particular gene product
(2) genetic engineering allows a gene for a trait considered useful by humans to be taken from one species and transferred to another species
_______ __________ (____) is a result of genetically engineered bacteria; a hormone naturally produced by a cows pituitary gland that enhances milk production
Bovine somatotropin (BST)
What is pharming?
faming + pharmaceuticals
What are the steps of pharming
(1) inject the human gene of interest into a donor cell
(2) implant the cell into the host mother
(3) identify transgenic offspring with the gene of interest by PCR
(4) the gene of interest is expressed in the cells of mammary glands, and the protein is secreted in milk
(5) collect the milk
(6) separate the milk proteins
(7) isolate the useful protein
_____ _______, its goal is to cure genetic diseases by putting normal, functional genes into the body cells that were affected by the mutant gene
Gene Therapy
What are the methods of delivering a healthy gene?
(1) incorporate a healthy form of the gene into the virus
(2) remove bone marrow stem cells form the patient
(3) infect the patients stem cells with the virus that is carrying the healthy form of the game
(4) return the genetically engineered stem cells to the patient. The gene is expressed to produce the needed protein
What is a retrovirus?
a virus whose genetic information is stored as RNA rather than DNA
A retrovirus is another type of virus used in _____ _______
gene therapy
Once inside the target cell, the retrovirus rewrites its genetic information as ______-_______ _____ and inserts the viral DNA into a chromosome of the target cell
double-stranded DNA
Once inside the target cell, the retrovirus rewrites its genetic information as double-stranded DNA and inserts the _____ ____ into a __________ of the target cell
viral DNA
More than 4,000 human diseases have been traced in ________ ______
single genes
The first condition to be treated experimentally with gene therapy is a disorder referred to as ______ ________ ____________ ________ (_____)
severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID)
severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), is caused by a mutant gene that prevents the production of an enzyme called _________ __________ (____)
adenosine deaminase (ADA)
What is a genome?
the entire set of genes carried by one member of a species
What are genomics?
the study of entire genomes, and the interactions of the genes with one another and the environment
The ______ ________ _______, is a worldwide research effort, completed in 2003, to sequence the human genome
Human Genome Project
What are the results of the Human Genome Project?
(1) the location of genes along all 23 pairs of human chromosomes
(2) the sequence of the estimated 3 billion base pairs that make up those chromosomes
humans are identical in _____% of the sequences of their _____
What is epigenome?
consists of chemicals that bind to specific genes and turn them on or off
Epigenome is _______
Epigenome often plays a role in ________ and _______
________, consists of thousands of DNA sequences stamped onto a single glass slide called a DNA chip
Microarray, consists of thousands of DNA sequences stamped onto a single glass slide called a ____ _____
DNA chip
How do researchers use microarrays?
to monitor large numbers of DNA segments to discover which genes are active and which are turned off under different conditions
Microarrays are useful in identifying _______ ________ in the members of a __________
genetic variation
some of the genetic differences, found by microarray, are in the form of _______-_________ _____________ (_____, __ ____)
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, or snips)
What is a haplotype?
a group of SNPs in a region of a chromosome
We (humans) share ___% of our genes with the fruit fly and ___% of our genes with the mouse