Anatomie 3 (membre supérieur) Flashcards
Retaining ligaments of fingers and position
Grayson: Volar and transverse, palmar to neurovasc bundle (brevents bowstringing during flexion)
Cleland: dorsal, passes from junction of periosteum and flexor tendon sheath to skin
Transverse retinacular ligament: radial and ulnar to PIP, superficial to collateral ligaments, prevents dorsal displacement of lateral bands
Oblique retinacular ligament (Of Landsmeer): from volar P2 to dorsal P3, coordinates PIP and DIP joint motion
Deep fascial spaces of hand
Midpalmar space
Thenar space
Hypothenar space
Interdigital web space
Parona’s space (at wrist)
Extensor compart of wrist
3: EPL
4: EDC and EIP
5: EDM
6: ECU
Position of EPL in at the level of the extensor retinaculum
Ulnar to Listers tubercule
Position of EIP and EDM relative to EDC
Both ulnar to EDC
Name of connections between EDC tendons
Juncturae tendinum
Extensor zones
1: DIP
2: P2
3: PIP
4: P1
5: MCP
6: MC
7: wrist
8: distal 1/3 forearm
9: proximal 2/3 forearm
Thumb extensor zones
1: over IP
2: over P1
3: over MCP
4: over MC
5: over carpal bones
Flexor tendon zones
Zone 1: distal to FDS insertion
Zone 2: distal to A1
Zone 3: distal to carpal tunnel
Zone 4: above carpal tunnel
Zone 5: proximal to carpal tunnel
Zones of thumb flexor tendon
Zone T1: Distal to IP joint
Zone T2: distal to A1 pulley
T3: Over thenar eminence
T4: Carpal tunnel
T5: Proximal to carpal tunnel
Thumb pulleys
A1 and A2 over MCP and IP
Oblique pulley is between both/P1 (most important to prevent bowstringing) run proximal ulnar to distal radial
Which is the most important pulley in the thumb
Oblique pulley
Name the two pathway of tendon healing and identify which one causes adhesions
Intrinsic pathway (proliferation of tenocytes)
Extrinsic pathway (invasion of cells from tendon sheath)(adhesions)
Anomalous interconnections in forearm
Martin-Gruber anastomosis
Riche Cannieu anastomosis
Describ Martin-Gruber anastomosis
Relevance clinically
Motor fiber connection between medial to ulnar nerve in forearm
Affects 10-25% population
Can cause preserved ulnar nerve motor function in the hand after high ulnar injury
Describ RicHe-Cannieu anastomosis
Relevance clinically
Motor fiber connection from ulnar to median nerve in Hand
Can result in preserved thenar motor function after median nerve injury
Describe Marinacci anastomoses
Rare anomalous intercommunication from the ulnar nerve to the median nerve in the forearm
What are the dominant arteries for each finger
Define Vincula
Fold of mesotenon in tendon sheath that anchors tendon to bone and contains receive direct blood supply from transverse digital arteries
Name and identify the location of the three volar communicating branch of the digital arteries and the associated vinculum
Proximal transverse palmar arch, proximal to PIP, gives vineculum longum profundus and vineculum brevis superficialis
Middle transverse palmar arch, proximal to DIP, gives vineculum brevis profondus
Distal transverse palmar arch at the level of the lanula
There is also a vinculum longus superficialis proximal P1 from direct branch of proper digital artery
Name a specialized neuromyoarterial receptor in fingertip and its clinical application
Glomus body
Functions to control blood pressure and thermoregulation
Can give rise to painful glomus body tumor
Structure comprise dans la perionychium (4)
Nail fold
Nail plate
Nail bed
Define Hyponychium
Junction sterile matrix of nail bed and skin beneath distal nail margin
Define paronychium
skin on each side of the nail/lateral nail fold
Define eponychium
Skin proximal to nail that covers nail fold
Why is the lanula white
due to persistance of nail cell nuclei in the germinal matrix
Difference between germinal and sterile matrix and specific localisation of each
Germinal: proximal to lanula, distal to extensor tendon, reponsible for 90% of nail production
Sterile: nail bed distal to lanula, responsible for nail plate adherence, secondary site of nail production
3 location of nail growth
1) germinal matrix
2) sterile matrix
3) dorsal roof of nail fold
How/through which machanism does the germinal matrix produce the nail
gradient parakeratosis
Rate of nail growth and time to grow a complete nail
Rate: 3-4mm/month
100 days
4 conditions that increase speed of nail growth
Longer digit
Summer months
Young person
Nail bitters
2 components of nail fold
1) ventral floor: germinal matrix
2) dorsal roof: host cells that cause nail shine
quel % de la population a une arcade palmaire superficielle provenant seulement de l’artère ulnaire
quel % de la population a une arcade palmaire superficielle parfaitement communicante radiale-ulnaire
quel % de la population a une arcade palmaire superficielle provenant de l’artère ulnaire + médiane + radiale
quel % de la population n’a pas de communication entre art radiale et ulnaire au niveau de l’arcade palmaire superficielle (vascularisation des doigts séparément, PAS d’arcade proprement dite)
quel % de la population a les 3 artères (R + U + M) qui vascularise les doigts séparément SANS communication en arcade palmaire superficielle
quel % de la population a:
-communication radio-ulnaire typique de l’arcade palmaire profonde
Différence des muscles bellies of FDS and FDP
FDP: common muscle belly (except D2 which is separated)
FDS: individual muscle belly
Arrangement of flexor tendons in carpal tunnel
FDS: D3 and D4 at superficial to D2 and D5
FDP is deep
Innervation of FDP tendon
D2 and D3: AIN
D4 and D5: Ulnar nerve
Configeration, origin, insertion, innervation and action of lumbricals
D2 and D3: unipennate, origin from radial side FDP, insert extensor expansion hood (radial lateral band), median nerve
D4 and D5: bipennate, origin from radial and ulnar side FDP, insert extensor expansion hood (radial lateral band), ulnar nerve
Action: main extensor of IP, weak flexor of MCP
Name structure of extensor hood
Proximal: sagital bands, lateral bands
Central slip
Distal: oblique retinacular ligament, triangular ligament
Accessory head of FPL name, origin and associated complication
Gantzer muscle
Origin: medial epicondyle and coronoid process of ulna
AIN compressive neuropathy
Explain location or annular and cruciate pulleys
A2: P1
C1: proximal to PIP
C2: distal to PIP
A4: P2
C3: proximal to DIP
Most important pulleys and why
A2 and A4 pulleys
Prevents bowstringing the most
What makes up the A0 pulley (2)
Transverse fibers of palmar aponeurosis
Vertical septa of Legeu and Juvara
3 structure the makes a tendon
Endotenon (inner)
Epitenon (outer)
Paratenon (most outer)
2 mechanism for tendon vascular supply, which is dominant
1: Direct vascular supply
2. Synovial diffusion (dominant)
What are the 3 source of direct vascular supply to tendon, and localisation relative to the tendon
Myotendinous junction (proximal tendon)
Osteotendinous junction (distal tendon)
Connective tissues (mid tendon)
3 connective tissue structures that vascularise the tendon
% of population that does not have D5 FDS
Name and describe the variant connection between hand flexor tendons and its incidence
Linburg-Comstock variant
Between FPL muscle belly/tendon and FDP D2
8-35% of population
Palmar interossei, # of units, bi vs unipennate, insertion, action, innervation
3 units
Inserts on lateral bands
Adducts, flex MCP, extend IP
Ulnar nerve
Dorsal interossei, # of units, bi vs unipennate, insertion, action, innervation
4 units
Inserts on lateral bands
Abducts, flex MCP, extend IP
Ulnar nerve
Sagital bands: origin and insertion and function (2)
Origin from intermetacarpal plate and insert on dorsal hood above MCP
Prevent lateral subluxation of extensor tendons, prevents MCP joint hyperextension
Name 3 anomalous extensor muscle and their implication
Extensor carpi radialis intermedius (can be used in tendon transfer)
Extension medii proprius
Independent extensor of middle finger (can be used for sagital bands injuries)
Extensor digitorus, brevis manus, often between 2nd and 3rd metacarpal
Structure of nerve from outside to inside (6)
Mesoneurium (loose areolar tissue)
Epineurium–> recouvre nerf principal
Perineurium –> recouvre fascicule
Endoneurium–> recouvre axones
Blood supply of nerves (3)
Vasa nervorum
Extrinsic vessels
Capillary plexus
À quoi sert un nœud de Ranvier?
- Gap junctions de Cellules de Schwann
- Conduction saltatoire
- Plus rapide
Nommer les structures innervées par le AIN
articulation radiocarp et radioulnaire
Définir la ligne de Kaplan
Ligne reliant le 1er webspace et le crochet de l’hamatum
Quelles structures anatomiques retrouve-t-on a/n de la ligne de Kaplan
-Arcade palamaire profonde
-Rebord distal du ligament transverse du carpe
- branche récurrente n. médian
Comment repérer anatomiquement la branche récurrente du nerf médian
Jonction entre la ligne de kaplan et une ligne suivant l’axe du bord radial du majeur
Comment localiser anatomiquement l’arcade palmaire superficielle
Tout juste proximal à une ligne reliant le distal et proximal transverse palmar crease
2 muscles responsables de la rotation externe de l’épaule
Teres minor
4 muscles responsables de la rotation interne de l’épaule
Teres major
Latissimus dorsi
Pectoralis major
Principal muscle responsable de stabiliser la scapula
Serratus antérieur
Quel nerf innerve:
serratus antérieur
long thoracique
Quel nerf innerve: muscle rhomboid major et minor
scapulaire dorsal
Quel nerf innerve: muscle supra et infra épineux
Quel nerf innerve: muscle subscapularis
upper subscapular
lower subscapular
Quel nerf innerve: muscle teres major
Lower subscapular
Quel nerf innerve: latissimus dorsi
Quel nerf innerve: pec major et minor
pectoral médial
pectoral latéral
Quel nerf innerve: muscle deltoide
Quel nerf innerve: muscle teres minor
3 muscles innervés par le n. musculocutané
Biceps brachial