Subfertility management_Flashcards
What investigations are recommended for subfertility?
Investigations for subfertility include STI screening, assessment of pelvic anatomy, blood hormone profile, antral follicle count, tubal assessment, and semen analysis.
What STI screenings are recommended for men and women considering assisted reproductive technology (ART)?
Chlamydia screening in men and women, and HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C screening if assisted reproductive technology (ART) is being considered.
How is the assessment of pelvic anatomy usually conducted in subfertility investigations?
Assessment of pelvic anatomy is usually conducted using transvaginal ultrasound (TVUSS) or hysterosalpingography (HSG) with X-ray or ultrasound, or laparoscopy and dye.
What blood hormone profile tests are useful in subfertility investigations?
Early follicular phase FSH, LH, and oestradiol levels (day 2-3), Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) for assessing ovarian reserve, and mid-luteal progesterone to confirm ovulation.
What is the significance of Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in assessing ovarian reserve?
Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is helpful for assessing ovarian reserve as it is independent of the menstrual cycle and produced by granulosa cells, making it the most successful biomarker of ovarian reserve.
What is the purpose of measuring mid-luteal progesterone in subfertility investigations?
Measuring mid-luteal progesterone confirms ovulation in subfertility investigations.
What additional tests may be useful if a patient has an irregular menstrual cycle?
If a patient has an irregular menstrual cycle, TFTs, prolactin, and testosterone may also be useful in subfertility investigations.
What is the importance of antral follicle count in subfertility investigations?
Antral follicle count is an important parameter of ovarian reserve. A count of < 4 indicates a poor response, while a count of 16+ indicates a good response.
What methods are used for tubal assessment in subfertility investigations?
Tubal assessment methods include hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) and hysterosalpingography (HSG).
When is tubal patency assessment usually performed?
Tubal patency assessment is usually performed if there are risk factors for tubal damage such as PID, endometriosis, or ectopic pregnancy.
How is semen analysis conducted in subfertility investigations?
Semen analysis usually consists of 2 tests done 3 months apart.
What conservative management options are recommended for subfertility?
Conservative management options for subfertility include regular intercourse every 2-3 days, reducing smoking, reducing alcohol intake, managing obesity and low body weight, and addressing drug use, stress management, and occupational risks.
What lifestyle modifications can improve fertility in subfertility patients?
Lifestyle modifications that can improve fertility include regular intercourse, reducing smoking and alcohol intake, managing obesity and low body weight, and addressing drug use, stress management, and occupational risks.
What is the role of ovulation induction in the medical management of subfertility?
Ovulation induction with clomiphene or FSH is recommended for anovulation (PCOS, idiopathic) in the medical management of subfertility.
When is intrauterine insemination recommended in subfertility management?
Intrauterine insemination is recommended for unexplained subfertility, anovulation unresponsive to ovulation induction, mild male factor subfertility, and minimal to mild endometriosis.
When is donor insemination recommended in subfertility management?
Donor insemination is recommended for the presence of azoospermia, single women, and same-sex couples.
When is in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) recommended in subfertility management?
In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is recommended for patients with tubal pathology and those who underwent other treatments with no success.
When is donor egg IVF recommended in subfertility management?
Donor egg IVF is recommended for women whose egg quality is poor or who have had previous surgery or chemotherapy that adversely affected ovarian function.
What surgical management options are available for subfertility?
Surgical management options for subfertility include operative laparoscopy to treat disease and restore anatomy, myomectomy, tubal surgery, and laparoscopic ovarian drilling.
What are the common conditions treated with operative laparoscopy in subfertility management?
Common conditions treated with operative laparoscopy in subfertility management include adhesions, endometriosis, and ovarian cysts.
What is the role of myomectomy in subfertility management?
Myomectomy, which can be done via hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, laparotomy, or fibroid embolisation, is used to treat fibroid uterus in subfertility management.
When is tubal surgery considered in subfertility management?
Tubal surgery is considered in subfertility management for blocked fallopian tubes that are amenable to repair.
What is the purpose of laparoscopic ovarian drilling in subfertility management?
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is used for PCOS that is unresponsive to medical treatment in subfertility management.
What are the key risk factors for subfertility?
Key risk factors for subfertility include advanced maternal age, smoking and alcohol use, obesity, irregular periods, STIs, and low BMI.
How should the diagnosis of subfertility be explained to patients?
Explain that 80% of couples will fall pregnant if trying regularly for 12 months, and of those that don’t, 50% will conceive in the 2nd year of trying, giving a cumulative pregnancy rate of 90%.
What is the recommended frequency of unprotected sex for couples trying to conceive?
Couples trying to conceive should have regular unprotected sex at least every other day.
What are the common management options for subfertility based on the likely cause?
Common management options for subfertility include conservative management, ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination, donor insemination, in-vitro fertilisation, donor egg IVF, and surgical management depending on the likely cause of subfertility.