What supportive care is recommended for acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Admit to ITU, early liaison with liver team, continuous maternal and fetal monitoring, and correct coagulopathy, electrolytes, and hypoglycemia using FFP, vitamin K, and 50% dextrose.
What should be done if there is a high risk of multiorgan failure and death in acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Admit to ITU and ensure early liaison with the liver team.
What are the key components of supportive care for acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Supportive care includes continuous maternal and fetal monitoring, and correcting coagulopathy, electrolytes, and hypoglycemia with FFP, vitamin K, and 50% dextrose.
When should delivery be expedited in acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Delivery should be expedited as soon as the maternal condition is stable or as soon as possible if the maternal condition is deteriorating.
What screening should be done for the baby in cases of acute fatty liver of pregnancy?
Screen the baby for LCHAD deficiency.