What is the management for Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) with moderate to severe abnormalities?
The management for CIN with moderate to severe abnormalities includes colposcopy and biopsy, with the possibility of excising or ablating the region.
What is LLETZ and what are its risks?
LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone) involves removal of abnormal cells using a thin wire loop heated by electric current. Risks include increased risk of midtrimester miscarriage and preterm delivery with large or repeat excisions.
What is the purpose of a test of cure and when is it required after treatment for CIN?
A test of cure is required 6 months after treatment for CIN to ensure the abnormal cells have been successfully removed.
What is the conservative approach for IA1 (microinvasive) cervical cancer?
The conservative approach for IA1 (microinvasive) cervical cancer includes loop electrosurgical excision and conization.
What are the management options for IA1 (microinvasive) cervical cancer?
Management options for IA1 (microinvasive) cervical cancer include loop electrosurgical excision, conization, or simple hysterectomy if fertility preservation is not desired.
What are the management options for IA2 – IB2 (early) cervical cancer when the tumor is ≤ 4 cm?
Management options for IA2 – IB2 (early) cervical cancer when the tumor is ≤ 4 cm include radical hysterectomy, bilateral salpingectomy, and/or bilateral oophorectomy with lymphadenectomy.
What are the risks associated with radical hysterectomy?
Risks associated with radical hysterectomy include bladder dysfunction (atony), sexual dysfunction (due to vaginal shortening), and lymphoedema (due to pelvic lymph node removal).
How can lymphoedema be managed after a radical hysterectomy?
Lymphoedema after a radical hysterectomy can be managed with leg elevation, good skin care, and massage.
What is the management for IA2 – IB2 (early) cervical cancer when the tumor is > 4 cm?
Management for IA2 – IB2 (early) cervical cancer when the tumor is > 4 cm includes chemoradiation.
What are the management options for IB3 – IVA (locally advanced) cervical cancer?
Management options for IB3 – IVA (locally advanced) cervical cancer include chemoradiation and radiotherapy.
How is radiotherapy delivered for cervical cancer?
Radiotherapy for cervical cancer can be delivered via external beam radiotherapy (usually given over 4 weeks) or intracavity radiotherapy (brachytherapy) with rods of radioactive selenium.
What are the risks associated with radiotherapy for cervical cancer?
Risks associated with radiotherapy for cervical cancer include lethargy, bowel and bladder urgency, skin erythema (external beam radiotherapy), and long-term risks such as fibrosis, vaginal stenosis, cystitis-like symptoms, malabsorption, mucous diarrhoea, and radiotherapy-induced menopause.
What chemotherapy is usually given for cervical cancer and how is it ideally administered?
Chemotherapy for cervical cancer is usually cisplatin and is ideally given in conjunction with radiotherapy to improve cure rates.
What is the management for IVB (metastatic) cervical cancer?
Management for IVB (metastatic) cervical cancer includes systemic chemotherapy, alternative single agent therapy, and palliative care.
What is the approach for managing cervical cancer in pregnant women?
The approach for managing cervical cancer in pregnant women involves a multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach and delivery post 35 weeks.
What are the management options for recurrent cervical cancer?
Management options for recurrent cervical cancer include surgery, palliative chemotherapy, and supportive care.
What is the purpose of cervical screening?
The purpose of cervical screening is to detect abnormal cells in the cervix that could develop into cancer.
What is the management for CIN1?
Management for CIN1 includes a repeat smear in 1 year.
What is the management for CIN2, CIN3, and CGIN?
Management for CIN2, CIN3, and CGIN includes LLETZ or cone biopsy. LLETZ is an outpatient procedure with local anaesthetic, while cone biopsy is used for larger lesions and done under general anaesthetic.
What are the risks associated with LLETZ and cone biopsy?
Risks associated with LLETZ and cone biopsy include mid-trimester loss and preterm birth, which may require prophylactic cerclage.
What follow-up is required after treatment for CIN?
Follow-up after treatment for CIN includes a repeat smear in 6 months for a test of cure.