What medications should be adjusted pre-conception for diabetes mellitus?
Advise to stop all glucose-lowering agents except metformin and insulin. Stop ACEi and ARB and use alternative antihypertensives.
What dose of folic acid is recommended pre-conception and until when?
High-dose folic acid 5mg OD from pre-conception until 12 weeks gestation.
When should HbA1c be measured during pregnancy?
At the booking appointment.
How often should appointments with the joint diabetes and antenatal clinic be arranged?
Every 1-2 weeks.
What conservative advice should be given antenatally for diabetes management?
Ensure mother is up to date with retinal and renal screening. Give advice about possible implications of diabetes on pregnancy.
How frequently should capillary blood glucose be monitored by the patient?
A minimum of 7 times/day (check fasting, pre-meal, 1-hour post-meal, and bedtime glucose daily).
What are the target glucose levels for pre-prandial and post-prandial readings?
Pre-prandial target = <5.3 mmol/l, 1-hour post-prandial target = <7.8 mmol/l, 2 hours post-prandial target = <6.4 mmol/l.
What should be advised to women taking insulin during pregnancy?
To keep their capillary blood glucose above 4mmol/l at all times.
What specialist scan is recommended at 19-20 weeks for diabetic pregnant women?
Specialist foetal cardiac scan.
How often should serial growth scans be performed antenatally for diabetes?
Every 4 weeks from 28-36 weeks.
When should maternal retinal and renal screening be repeated?
If abnormal at booking, repeat at 16-20 weeks. In all cases, repeat at 28 weeks.
What medical advice should continue until 12 weeks gestation?
Continue high-dose folic acid 5mg OD and low-dose aspirin 75-150mg OD from 12 weeks gestation.
What should be advised to patients about insulin resistance during pregnancy?
They may need to increase their insulin doses after 20+0 weeks based on capillary blood glucose measurements.
When should elective birth be organized for type 1 or 2 diabetic women with no other complications?
Between 37+0 – 38+6 weeks (IOL or CS).
When should delivery be considered earlier than 37 weeks?
In the presence of foetal or maternal complications.
What additional therapy is needed if antenatal corticosteroids are given?
Additional insulin therapy must be given concurrently to maintain normoglycaemia.
Where should birth take place for diabetic women?
In a hospital.
How often should capillary glucose be monitored during labour and birth?
Every hour.
What is recommended for women on insulin during labour?
Commence a sliding scale during labour, aiming for blood glucose levels between 4-7 mmol/l.
When should neonatal blood glucose be checked postnatally?
Within 4 hours of birth to exclude neonatal hypoglycaemia.
When should women feed their baby postnatally?
Within 30 minutes after birth and then every 2-3 hours until their pre-feed capillary glucose maintains at least 2.0 mmol/l.
What should be done for women postnatally regarding diabetes care?
Refer women back to their routine diabetes care arrangements.
What adjustments should be made to insulin and metformin doses postnatally?
Adjust doses back to those of pre-pregnancy immediately after birth.