Contraception_Flashcards (1)
Is any method of contraception contraindicated by age alone?
No method of contraception is contraindicated by age alone. All methods are UKMEC1 except for the combined oral contraceptive pill (UKMEC2 for women >= 40 years) and Depo-Provera (UKMEC2 for women > 45 years).
What is the UKMEC category for the combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP) for women >= 40 years?
What is the UKMEC category for Depo-Provera for women > 45 years?
What are the benefits of COCP use in the perimenopausal period?
COCP use in the perimenopausal period may help to maintain bone mineral density and may help reduce menopausal symptoms.
What type of COCP may be more suitable for women > 40 years?
A pill containing < 30 µg ethinylestradiol may be more suitable for women > 40 years.
What should women > 40 years be advised about Depo-Provera?
Women should be advised there may be a delay in the return of fertility of up to 1 year for women > 40 years. Use is associated with a small loss in bone mineral density which is usually recovered after discontinuation.
When should non-hormonal contraception be stopped for women < 50 years?
Stop contraception after 2 years of amenorrhoea.
When should non-hormonal contraception be stopped for women >= 50 years?
Stop contraception after 1 year of amenorrhoea.
What should be done for women >= 50 years who are using COCP?
Switch to a non-hormonal or progestogen-only method.
What should be done for women < 50 years who are using Depo-Provera?
Can be continued to 50 years.
What should be done for women >= 50 years who are using Depo-Provera?
Switch to either a non-hormonal method and stop after 2 years of amenorrhoea OR switch to a progestogen-only method and follow specific advice.
How should implant, POP, and IUS be managed in women < 50 years?
Can be continued beyond 50 years.
What should be done if a woman using implant, POP, or IUS is amenorrhoeic and >= 50 years?
Check FSH and stop after 1 year if FSH >= 30u/l or stop at 55 years.
What should be considered if a woman using implant, POP, or IUS is not amenorrhoeic and >= 50 years?
Consider investigating abnormal bleeding pattern.
Can Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) be relied upon for contraception?
No, HRT cannot be relied upon for contraception, so a separate method of contraception is needed.
What method of contraception can be used with HRT if the HRT has a progestogen component?
The POP may be used with HRT as long as the HRT has a progestogen component.
What method of contraception is licensed to provide the progestogen component of HRT?
The IUS is licensed to provide the progestogen component of HRT.