What diagnostic workup should be done for all female patients presenting with abdominal pain?
Bimanual vaginal examination, urine pregnancy test, consideration of abdominal and pelvic ultrasound scanning.
What reliable method assesses suspected tubulo-ovarian pathology when diagnostic doubt persists?
What are the typical features of Mittelschmerz?
Usually mid-cycle pain, sharp onset, little systemic disturbance, may have recurrent episodes, settles over 24-48 hours.
What investigations are done for Mittelschmerz?
Full blood count (usually normal), Ultrasound (may show small quantity of free fluid).
What is the treatment for Mittelschmerz?
Conservative management.
What are the features of Endometriosis?
25% asymptomatic, menstrual irregularity, infertility, pain, deep dyspareunia, pelvic adhesions, intermittent small bowel obstruction, intra-abdominal bleeding, recurrent episodes.
What investigations are done for Endometriosis?
Ultrasound (may show free fluid), Laparoscopy (usually shows lesions).
What is the treatment for Endometriosis?
Usually managed medically, complex disease often requires surgery, some patients may need formal colonic and rectal resections.
What are the features of Ovarian torsion?
Sudden onset of deep-seated colicky abdominal pain, associated with vomiting and distress, adnexial tenderness on vaginal examination.
What investigations are done for Ovarian torsion?
Ultrasound (may show free fluid), Laparoscopy (both diagnostic and therapeutic).
What is the treatment for Ovarian torsion?
What are the features of Ectopic gestation?
Symptoms of pregnancy without evidence of intrauterine gestation, emergency presentation with rupture or impending rupture, sudden onset of abdominal pain and circulatory collapse, small amount of vaginal discharge, adnexial tenderness.
What investigations are done for Ectopic gestation?
Ultrasound (showing no intrauterine pregnancy), elevated beta HCG, may show intra-abdominal free fluid.
What is the treatment for Ectopic gestation?
Laparoscopy or laparotomy if haemodynamically unstable, usually salpingectomy.
What are the features of Pelvic inflammatory disease?
Bilateral lower abdominal pain, vaginal discharge, dysuria, right upper quadrant discomfort (Fitz Hugh Curtis Syndrome), fever >38°C.