SSPS and Eagle Flashcards
What are all the inputs to SSPS?
- Eagle 21
- Ni’s
- Seismic
- Field contacts
What are the field contacts that input to SSPS?
- RCP Breaker
- AST oil pressure
- SV position
What is the major function of:
eagle 21
eagle 21 - determine if parameter exceeds setpoint
SSPS - determine if coincidence is met for an actuation
How many ways are there to actuate a slave relay?
What are the different ways?
- Master relay - provides 48 volts (control power) to close contact allowing 120 volts to loads from safeguards driver
- Test - provides 48 volts (control power) to close contact allowing 120 volts to loads from test panel
Do the Ni racks input into eagle 21?
- Yes, but only for OPAT and OTAT calculations, delta I is sent from Ni’s -> eagle 21 (LCP does calc)
- Ni’s determine own setpoints and send to SSPS directly
Why do the majority of channels in RPS de-energize to actuate?
Which channels energize to actuate?
- ensures channels are fail-safe except those that would cause major plant upset if actuated erroniously
- energize to actuate
- CNMT Spray actuation chnls
- Seismic trip chnls
- RCP bus UF chnls
What does it mean if a channel bistable (postage stamp) is blinking?
The bistable is tripped but only by one train (A or B)
in MUX we set one train to monitor A+B => the trains are alternated when sending light to postage stamp. If blinking, we know one train actuated but other did not
What parameter affect OT delta T?
How do they affect it?
- Tave up -> setpoint down
- Tave down -> setpoint up
- Ppzr up -> setpoint up
- Ppzr down -> setpoint down
delta I
- delta I up -> setpoint down
- delta I down -> setpoint down
What parameters affect OP delta T?
How do they affect the setpoint?
- Tave up -> setpoint down
- Tave down -> no effect
OP delta T only has penaties, no bonus points
Which trip breakers give you P-4a?
What breakers does SSPS train A actuate?
SSPS train B?
- P-4a = RTB A + BYP A
- P-4b = RTB B + BYP B
- train A actuates: RTB A + BYP B
- train B actuates: RTB B + BYP A
How are the BYP rx trip breakers different from the RTB?
Which of the following trips does not directly actuate both the UV trip coil and Shunt trip coil?
Manual SI
Auto SI
Manual Rx trip
Auto Rx trip
- BYP do not have the UV aux coil => auto trips will not energize the shunt coil
- Manual SI does not de-energize the UV coil
- however all SI give you auto Rx trip signal
What are the “monitor Light boxes” indicating?
Briefly describe what is being monitored by Monitor Light Box:
- If valves or components are out of their required positions (based on plant conditions), (out of position = illuminated)
- A - ESF valves (pre actuation)
- B - Phase A and CVI valves
- C - SI, FWI, SG equipment
- D - Phase B and SLI
What are the “Bistable Status lights” (postage stamps) monitoring?
What are the P.S. to the lights?
- provides indication to control room of all input signals to ESFAS (trip or non-trip)(P-signals, C-signals, Rx trips, ESFAS actuations)
- Ch 1 - PY-14
- Ch 2 - PY-11A
- Ch 3 - PY- 12
- Ch 4 - PY-13A
What are the Power supplies to:
Monitor Box A
Monitor Box B
Monitor Box C
Monitor Box D
- A
- PY-12
- B
- Trn A PY-13A
- Trn B PY-12
- C
- PY-12
- D
- Trn A PY-13A
- Trn B PY-12
When do the “Monitor Light Boxes” provide indication of valves and components out of position?
When do the “Bistable Status Lights” provide indication of inputs to ESFAS?
- B, C, and D are armed 20 seconds after an actuation signal, then provide indication
- A is always armed and providing indication
- BSL are always providing indication of inputs
Briefly describe the following:
Eagle RTD Input (ERI)
Eagle Analog Input (EAI)
Digital Filter Processor (DFP)
Loop Calculation Processor (LCP)
ERI - supplies pwr to RTD, converts return resistance to analog voltage
EAI - supplies pwr to xmtr, converts return current to analog voltage
DFP - recieves sig from ERI/ EAI, converts to dig, self diagnostics
LCP - recieves sig from DFP, determines if setpoint exceeded, performs calcs, if all good sends 1 to DDC
Briefly describe the following:
Digital to Digital Converter (DDC)
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
Eagle Partial Trip (EPT)
Eagle Analog Output (EAO)
Eagle Contact Output (ECO)
DDC - recieves sig from LCP, if 1 transmits 5 vdc pulse to EPT, also acts as isolator
DAC - converts sig from LCP to analog value for EAO
EPT - if no 5 vdc pulse from DDC, stops allowing 120v to coil that is keeping contact open from ground
EAO - takes analog output from DAC and uses it for control and indication
ECO - takes digital output from DDC in tester subsystem and alarms if eagle not working properly
List all actions that happen on SI
- SI
- AFW (motor driven)
- CFCU (low speed)
- Charging inj valves open
- Charging suct. valves swap VCT -> RWST
- ACC outlet valves open (already open)
- Normal Charging lines isolate
elec re-alignment:
- DG’s start
- turbine trips
- FW pump turbines trip
- Phase A
- ABVS -> Building and Safeguards mode
- Input to CNMT Spray
What will give you a CVI?
What does CVI do?
CVI inputs
- manual Phase A
- manual Phase B
- Hi rad on RM-44A/B
- SI
CVI outputs
- FCV-660/661, RCV-11/12 (CNMT purge supply & exh)
- FCV-662,663,664 (CNMT press & vacc relief)
- FCV-678,679,681 (RM-11/12 supply & return)
What will give you a Phase A isolation?
What are all the actions Phase A will cause?
Phase A inputs:
- any SI
- manual Phase A
Phase A outputs:
- CRV -> mode 4
- stops SFP -2
- **manual Phase A will cause CVI
- isolates all non-esential CNMT penitrations
What will give you Phase B isolation?
What does Phase B actuate?
Phase B inputs:
- Manual Phase B
- CNMT Hi Hi (22 psig aka “P” signal)
Phase B outputs
- Manual
- Auto
- Both
- CNMT spray input
- isolates CCW hdr ‘C’
- isolates CCW cooling to RCP’s
What will give you a feedwater isolation (FWI)?
What happens on each variation of FWI?
- P-14 (>90% NR Ls/g)
- SI
- trip turbine
- trip MFP (train B only)
- close FWI valves (train A only)
- close FRV’s
- close FRV bypass valves
- P-4 + Low Tave (<554 deg)
- close FRV’s
- close FRV bypass valves
What are the actuation signals to AFW?
Turbine Driven
Motor Driven
- L - low Ls/g (15% 2/3, 1/4 loops after time delay)
- U - under power 12 KV bus
- S - SI
- L - low Ls/g (15% 2/3, 1/4 loops after time delay)
- M - MFP trip (both)
- D - bus xfr to DG
If you get a CVI on Hi Rad (RM-44A and B), then depress CVI reset pushbutton, and reposition valves, will CVI still be available for the other automatic actuations?
Yes, any SI will still give you a CVI
see picture
If you get a FWI due to P-4 and Low Tave (<554 deg), what must you do to re-open the FRV’s?
- cycle trip bkrs, reset FWI
- raise Tave > 554 deg, cycle trip bkrs, reset FWI
- reset FWI
Reset FWI
see picture
If you get an SI from low Ppzr, then Manual reset/block SI, will you get another SI from Low Pstm ln?
How would you re-enable the auto SI after being blocked?
Cycle RTB’s
see picture
What component has the “dead man timer”?
How is timer used?
Eagle Partial Trip
- the LCP generates a “1” or a “0”, “1” is not tripped
- 1 will tell DDC to generate a pulse (5 vdc) every 100 msec to the EPT
- if EPT doesnt recieve a pulse every 120 msec, the dead man timer will time out and cause EPT to stop conducting 120 volts to coil that keeps contact open that will subsequently ground 15 volts and cause a logic of 1 out of whatever going forward
What will give you a GW alarm?
- any power supply low
- any circuit card in row 1-5 removed
- MUX test switch in inhibit
- ground return fuse blown
- Input error inhibit switch in inhibit
- loss of 120 vac to slave relays
- fully rack in BYP bkr and close it (for RTB train that is being bypassed)