25 kV Electrical System Flashcards
Why is the output of the Generator split into its 3 individual phases?
Output is relatively low so current is very high (30,000 amps)( high heat )
How is iso phase bus cooled? What are auto features of the cooling system?
Hollow conductor, air flow through middle and opposite direction on outside of conductor between guard pipe (cooled by SCW) Auto start of stby fan - loss running fan (in on position) - hi ISO phase bus temp 155 deg - other fan off and 25 kv energized - exc field bkr closed - one output bkr closed
What interlocks must be met to operate the MOD?
- mn gen UV relay actuated - exciter field breaker open - both output breakers open - all aux xfr feeder breakers open - 25 kV ground switch open
What interlocks prevent energizing a grounded 25 kV system? (Can’t close ISO phase bus ground switch)
- MOD must be fully open
- exciter field breaker must be open (FCB)
- aux xfr feeder breakers open
- output breakers open (PCB)
What is the danger of manually isolating a sudden pressure relay on 25 kv XFMR? When should isophase bus blower be in service, other than normal ops (generator carrying load on grid)?
- w/unit trip cutin……may result in Unit Trip (normal ops slow transient, catasrophic failure=> rapid press rise - if available isophase bus blower should be in service when back feeding from 500 kV
Describe U-1 Main XFMR (25->500 kv)
- head tank - contains oil, maintains pressure inside xfmr, small amount air in air bladder
- radiator - six systems, each has (1 pump, 1 hx, 4 fans), fans pull air through hx cooling oil, pump moves oil
- oil - electrical insulator and cooling medium
- gas detector - oil breaks down or winding insulation breaks down, creates H2
half of cooling systems start when xfmr energized, other half start on high oil temp
Describe U-2 main XFMR (25->500 kv)
- head tank - contains oil, maintains pressure inside xfmr, small amount air in air bladder
- radiator - 3 systems, each has (1 pump, 1 hx, 3 fans), fans pull air through hx cooling oil, pump moves oil
- oil - electrical insulator and cooling medium
- gas detector - oil breaks down or winding insulation breaks down, creates H2
sequential starting of cooling systems: (3 possible seq)
- 1st group start when xfmr energized
- 2nd group start on oil temp of 50 /65 hot spot
- 3rd group start on oil temp of 70 /85 hot spot
Describe Aux XFMR 1-2 (25->4 kv)
- XFM shell - kept at positive pressure N2
- radiator - 2 systems, each has (2 hx, 6 fans), fans pull air through hx cooling oil, natural circ moves oil
- oil - electrical insulator and cooling medium
half of cooling systems start hot spot therm 80
other half start hot spot therm 85
Describe Aux XFMR 1-1 (25->12 kv)
- XFM shell - kept at positive pressure N2
- radiator - 10hx, 16 fans pull air through hx cooling oil
- oil - electrical insulator and cooling medium, circulated by natrual circ and pump
- oil pump - starts when second group fans start
1st group cooling - 12 fans starts 80 ºC
2nd group cooling - 4 fans and pump 85 ºC
what are the protection relays for the following XFMR’s
Main XFMR (25->500 kv)
Aux XFMR 1-1 (25->12 kv)
Aux XFMR 1-2 (25->4 kv)
- o.c. (open PCB’s)
- over voltage open (open PCB’s)
- line directional o.c. phase (open PCB’s)
- line directional o.c. ground (open PCB’s)
- line pilot wire diff (open PCB’s)
- sudden pressure (unit trip)
- o.c. (unit trip)
- sudden pressure (unit trip)
- diff (unit trip)
- x-winding ground o.c. (alarm)
- y-winding groud o.c. (alarm)
- sudden pressure (unit trip)
- diff (unit trip)
- o.c. (unit trip)
- lockout (unit trip)
The ground switch must be open to do what?
Close FCB
Close aux transformer feeder breakers
Close 500kv PCBs
The MOD must be fully open to close what?
The ground switch
What is the Sudden pressure relay and what will it cause?
A catastrophic fault will result in a rapid pressure rise
Causes a unit trip
-Trips turbine
-Opens 500kv
-opens FCB
-opens aux feeder breakers
-transfers to startup
What kind of windings are on the 25kv, 500kv
25kv are the primary windings (DELTA)
500kv are the secondary windings (WYE)
What is the hydran monitor monitoring and what is considered a bad value?
It is looking for gases that are formed due to oil breakdown and insulation breakdown
High numbers are bad
What are the p/s for the cooling groups on the Unit 1 MBTs? What happens if power is lost?
Group 1=11D
Group 2=11E
If power is lost to either bus, it will result in loss of half of the cooling capability, but not a complete loss.
How are the Unit 1 MBTs alarms detected? How does reflash work?
It will alarm in the CR
Other alarms from same phase will reflash, but other alarms from other phases will be blocked
-this will require a 4hr como measure to check the other 2 phases
Unit 2 fan and pump power supply. What happens if power is lost?
Power seeking power supply for all cooling fans and pumps. Automatically switches back to normal power supply when it returns
How are the Unit 2 MBTs alarms detected? Reflash capabilities?
Alarms In the CR. Alarms on other phases will reflash if there is an alarm on 1 phase.
What do the aux transformers have to keep the air out?
Have N2 to keep air out.
Aux Transformers #1 25kv to 12kv cooling and auto starts
2 banks of cooling with an auto start of bank 1 @80degC and bank 2 @85degC
Aux transformers 1 protections and actions?
-sudden pressure relay-> unit trip
-differential->unit trip
-overcurrent->unit trip
-ground overcurrent (no auto trips) alarm only
Aux trans #2 cooling?
Natural circulation
How many secondary windings does the #2 aux trans have and why?
2 secondary
The Y windings only serve the 4kv bus E due to two condensate/ booster pump sets and the heater drain tank pump (equal to 11,500hp) the X winding powers 4kv busses D,F,G, and H
Aux transformer #2 protection relay and actuations
Overcurrent ->unit trip
Differential-> unit trip
Sudden pressure -> unit trip
Why should the isophase cooling be kept on while back feeding?
To help prevent accumulation of debris in ducting
What must you do if you get a high temperature alarm in a MBT?
It must be locally reset