Social Psyc (Social Perception, Interpersonal Relations, Self) Flashcards
The impressions we form of others are affected by a number of factors including _____, which are organized, interconnected mental networks of information that help us process and organize social information and ______, which provide knowledge about the appropriate sequence of behaviours in specific social situations
schema; scripts
Our impressions are also influenced by _____ traits that carry more weight than other traits because they provide unique information about a person and by the ______, which was demonstrated by Rosenhan’s pseudopatient study
central; social context
The attributions we make about the behaviours of others often reflect the _____ bias, which means that we tend to overestimate the role of ____ factors when making attributions about the behaviours of other people
fundamental attribution; dispositional
Research on the actor-observer effect has show that, when making self-attributions, we tend to attribute our successes to _____ factors and our failures to ____ factors. This tendency is referred to as the _____ bias
dispositional; situational; self-serving
Heuristics are mental shortcuts that people use when making attributions and other social judgments. The ___ heuristic involves basing your judgement of a person, object, or event on how similar the person, object, or event is to the typical case while ignoring probability (base-rate) data
The ____ heuristic involves judging the likelihood or frequency of an event based on how easy it is to retrieve information about the event from long-term memory
Several cognitive errors and biases have been identified. One of these is the _____ which is the tendency to rely on case-specific information and ignore or underuse probability data when estimating the likelihood of an event or characteristic
base-rate fallacy
The ______ is the tendency to pay attention to information that is consistent with one’s beliefs and ignore or invalidate information that is not
confirmation bias
The ____ effect occurs when we overestimate the extent to which the attitudes and beliefs of others are similar to our own
false consensus
Schachter’s research on affiliation demonstrated that, in anxiety-arousing situations, social _____ is a more potent determinant of affiliation than relief from discomfort and that the adage “misery loves company” is more accurately stated as “misery loves ______”
comparison; miserable company
In terms of gender, women spend more time than men in conversation, and their friendships often depend more on communication and ______ than on shared activities
We tend to be attracted to competent people, especially when they occasionally make _________
small blunders
According to Byrne’s law of attraction, interactions with people who have similar attitudes are more rewarding and, therefore, more likely to produce ______
positive affect
Research on the ____effect has shown that we are most attracted to people who initially evaluate us negatively but subsequently evaluate us positively
According to evolutionary theory, gender differences in attraction to a potential mate and sexual jealousy are attributable to gender differences in ______ goals
With regard to sexual jealousy, men are more threatened by ______ infidelity, while women are more threatened by _____ infidelity
sexual; emotional
Berscheid’s emotion-in-relationship model predicts that, in close relationships, emotion is triggered when a partner engages in behaviours that violate expectations and disrupts ongoing ______
sequences of behaviour
According to social exchange theory, the decision to remain or leave a relationship is based on the ______ associated with the relationship, while equity theory proposes that this decision is related to our perception of the comparability of _____ ratios
cost and rewards; input/outcome
When considering what it means for a person to be a person, two concepts should be considered: _____, which is the degree an individual may be differentiated from others; and _______, the clear internal consistency of an individual’s identity
identifiability; personality
Online communication allows for opportunities to broaden and possibly strengthen social relationships, however, these interactions may be impersonal and demonstrate a lack of _____
Markus and her colleagues describe the self-concept as consisting of multiple _____ and peripheral (working) self-schemas, and the multifaceted nature of the self-concepts has been offered as one explanation for the _____, which is the tendency for people to accept vague or general descriptions as accurate description of themselves
core; Barnum effect
According to _____ theory, when internal cues are insufficient or difficult to interpret, we identify our internal state by observing our _______ and/or the context in which they occur
self-perception; external behaviours
self-perception theory is supported by Schachter and Singer’s epinephrine studies in which participants who were either _____ or ignorant about the effects of the drug acted much like the confederate did
Research on the ______ hypothesis found that, when children were given an external reward for participating in an activity, they were subsequently ______ interested in the activity when the reward was terminated
overjustification; less
Social comparison theory predicts that we evaluate our behaviours and attitudes by comparing them to those of other people, most often people who we believe are _____ to us
Research on ____ theory confirms that we generally prefer feedback about ourselves that is consistent with our self-concept
People differ with regard to their level of self-monitoring: _______ self-monitors are good at identifying what behaviours are expected of them and behave in ways that are consistent with those expectations
_____ refers to a person’s sense of competence and effectiveness, while _____ refers to the extent to which people believe that personal outcomes are controlled by internal vs. external factors
self-efficacy; locus-of-control
A friend says, “Every time I plan a vacation, there’s always a crisis at home or work so that I can’t go.” Assuming that this is not really true, your friend’s statement best illustrates what?
illusory correlation
A person is exhibiting a ____________ when she tends to pay more attention to messages and experiences that support her view on a controversial issue while ignoring those that discredit her view.
confirmation bias
A student who is chronically depressed is most likely to attribute the low score he received on his final exam to:
his lack of ability
Based on his investigation of the relationship between affiliation and anxiety, Schachter (1959) concluded that which of the following best accounted for the desire of high-anxiety research participants to wait with other high-anxiety participants?
social comparison
Berscheid’s (1983) emotion-in-relationship model proposes that strong positive emotions are LESS likely to be elicited during the later stages of an intimate relationship than in its initial stages because, in the later stages:
each partner’s behavior has become more predictable.
Equity theory predicts that a person’s satisfaction in a close personal relationship is related to the person’s:
perceptions of his or her reward or cost ratio and the ratio of the other person
Research on attraction suggests that competent, intelligent people are:
liked more when they occasionally make a blunder
Rosenhan’s research involving “pseudopatients” who were admitted to psychiatric hospitals:
showed that the environment influences how a person’s behavior is interpreted.
Self-verification theory predicts that a husband who has low self-esteem and is overweight and chronically depressed will prefer his wife to:
confirm his negative self-evaluations
The statement, “You fell because you tripped, but I fell because I was pushed” BEST illustrates what?
actor-observer effect
The tendency to overestimate the role of dispositional factors when inferring the cause of another person’s behavior is referred to as the:
fundamental attribution bias