Psychological Assessment (Introduction, Intelligence Issues) Flashcards
Characteristics of the test that should be considered when evaluating its appropriateness for a particular examinee include its reliability, validity, and _______
A test is to be standardized when fixed ____ procedures have been established and the test has been administered to a representative sample to establish ______
administration and scoring; norms
______-referenced scores are also known as domain- or content-referenced and permit interpreting an examinee’s performance in terms of what he/she can do or knows with regard to a clearly defined domain; while self-referenced scores permit intraindividual comparisons and are also known as _________ scores
Criterion; ipsative
The scores provided by most tests can be categorized as _____-referenced, ______-referenced, or _____-referenced
norm; criterion; self
Functional behavioural assessment (FBA) involved determining the function of a behaviour by identifying its ______ and consequences
______ is a type of dynamic assessment that is usually done after standard administration of a test and involves providing cues, suggestions, or feedback to obtain additional information about an examinee
testing the limits
An advantage of _____ is that it tailors the test to the individual examinee by choosing subsequent items based on his/her previous answers
computer adaptive testing (CAT)
Predictions are classified as either actuarial or clinical. The former are based on _____ relationships between test results and target criteria, while the latter are based on ______
empirically validated; the clinician’s judgment
The research has found that actuarial predictions alone tend to be _____ accurate than clinical predictions alone
To establish rapport and maintain the cooperation of children during an interview, the interviewer can make use of _____ statements and reflection, and should rely primarily on _______ questions (except those starting with why)
descriptive; open-ended
To enhance sensitivity in multicultural assessment, examiners should be aware of the cultural _____ of many assessment techniques and use alternative techniques whenever possible
loading (content)
Research on the effects of a White examiner on the test performance of African American children can be be summarized as demonstrating ________
no consistent effect (inconsistent results)
Multiple _____ methods exist, including self-report, direct observation, psychophysiological measures, and multiinformant reports
data collection
Utilizing ______ may be helpful in administering evaluations and decreasing costs, but there is also a risk of personal records being infiltrated
Spearman’s two-factor theory predicts that performance on any cognitive task depends on _____ plus one or more specific abilities
g (general intelligence)
Horn and Cattell distinguished between fluid and ______ intelligence and concluded that ______ intelligence is strongly affected by education and cultural experiences
crystalized; crystalized
Sternberg’s triarchic theory proposes that successful intelligence is composed of three abilities– analytical, creative, and ______-
The impact of heredity on intelligence is demonstrated by studies showing that, the greater the ______ similarity between people, the higher the correlation coefficient between their IQ test scores
The correlation for identical twins reared together is about _____, while the correlation for biological siblings reared together is _____
0.85; 0.45
The influence of the environment on intelligence is demonstrated by research on the ____ effect which found (with come recent exceptions) a steady increase in IQ test scores in the US and other industrial countries
With regard to the stability of intelligence over the lifespan, Horn proposed that crystalized intelligence increased until about age ____, while fluid intelligence peaks in late adolescence and thereafter declines
Research investigating the stability of intelligence over the lifespan has produced contradictory results. In part because of the different research methodologies used. Early age-related declines are most likely to be found when a _____ design is used because this design is very susceptible to ______ effects
cross-sectional; cohort (intergenerational)
Schaie and his colleagues used a _____ design and found that, of the six mental abilities they assessed, only _____ showed significant declines prior to age 60
cross-sectional; perceptual speed
males and females do not differ in a consistent way in terms of mean scores on IQ tests, but females tend to outperform males on measures of _____ ability, while males obtain higher scores on measures of certain _____ and math skills
verbal; spatial
Several experts argue that cognitive ability tests are biased against members of certain groups. They distinguish between _____ bias, which occurs when there is differential validity, and intercept bias, which occurs when the mean scores on the _____ differ for different groups
slope; predictor
A domain-referenced test would be most useful for:
determining how well an examinee has mastered a unit on inferential statistics
A measure of crystallized intelligence would include items that assess which of the following?
general knowledge (As described by Horn and Cattell, crystallized intelligence includes acquired skills and knowledge and is affected by educational and cultural experiences.)
An adult in his or her late 50s is most likely to exhibit an age-related decline on cognitive tasks involving:
processing speed
In a scatterplot, a “slope bias” is indicative of which of the following?
differential validity
Overall, the best conclusion that can be drawn about the effects of examiner race on the performance of African American children on standard IQ tests is that:
there is no consistent effect of examiner race on the scores of African American children
Research comparing actuarial and clinical predictions indicates that:
predictions based on actuarial approaches are usually more accurate than predictions based on clinical judgment.
Studies examining the impact of heredity on IQ have correlated the IQs of children and their siblings and/or parents. These studies suggest that the correlation for biological siblings reared together is about:
.40 to .45
Testing the limits” is ordinarily done:
after the test has been administered using standardized procedures.
Which data collection method would involve compiling data about the client from several different sources?
Multi-informant report