Clinical Psychology (Diversity Issues) Flashcards
According to Cross’s Black Racial Identity Development Model, an African American individual in the emersion substage of the immersion-emersion stage will exhibit which of the following?
rejection of all aspects of White culture
A Chinese American client tells you that he doesn’t identify with either the Chinese or the White culture. In terms of Berry et al.’s (1987) model of acculturation, this client is best described as:
During the initial session with an American Indian family, a White therapist would be best advised to
assess each family member’s level of acculturation before developing a treatment plan.
In most African American families, male-female relationships are:
Research has supported Helms’s (1995) prediction that White therapists whose attitudes and beliefs are consistent with the ________ status are most effective when working with clients from racial or ethnic minority groups.
Savin-Williams and Diamond (2000) compared the sexual identity trajectories of male and female sexual minority youth and found that gay males had an earlier onset than lesbians for all milestones except:
first disclosure of sexual orientation
Sue and Sue (2003) describe “worldview” as consisting of two dimensions - locus of control and locus of responsibility. Within this framework, the culture of the White middle-class in the United States is best described as reflecting an:
internal locus of control and internal locus of responsibility
When working with a middle-aged Asian couple who recently immigrated to the United States, a therapist is best advised to adopt the role of:
Knowledgeable expert
multisystems model
address multiple systems, intervenes at multiple levels, and empowers the family by utilizing it’s strengths
According to American Indians/Natives, illness is a result of _____
network therapy
incorporates family and community members into treatment and situates psychological problems within the context of social systems
Which cultural group is most likely to attribute the control of life events to luck or supernatural forces?
what are the 4 milestones of sexual identity trajectories?
1) same-sex attraction
2) self-labelling
3) same-sex sexual contact
4) first disclosure
What are the 3 main competencies in cultural competence?
awareness, knowledge, and skills
assume that illness can arise from either natural or supernatural forces that affect physical, emotional, and/or spiritual functioning –combine religious/spiritual rituals with herbal medicine, massage, and traditional methods of healing
4 categories of Acculturation
- Integration
- Assimilation
- Separation
- Marginalization
also referred to as biculturalism –maintains own culture and incorporated aspects of dominant culture as well
accepts dominant culture and relinquish their own culture
withdraws from dominant culture and accepts their own culture
Doesn’t identify with the dominant culture or their own culture
world view
how a person perceives his/her relationship to nature, other people, institutions, and so on
what are two factors that determine world view?
locus of control and locus of responsibility
cultural encapsulation
when therapists disregard cultural biases and disregard cultural differences
Emic orientation
culture specific; involves understanding the culture from the perspective of members of that culture
Etic orientation
culture-general; assumes that universal principles can be applied to all cultures
High context communication
relies heavily on non-verbal cues and group understanding; helps unify a culture and is slow to change
Low context communication
relies on explicit, verbal communication; is less unifying an can change rapidly and easily
Internalized oppression
can involve system beating, system blaming, total avoidance of Whites, and/or denial of political significance of race; the latter may be manifested as attempting to earn acceptance with status, material goods, education to elevate self-worth, and/or escaping with drugs/alcohol/ or food
Cultural Paranoia
healthy reaction to racism
-may not disclose to a white therapist due to fear of being hurt or misunderstood
Functional Paranoia
unhealthy condition that itself is an illness
-unwilling to disclose to any therapist –general mistrust and suspicion
Low functional paranoia/Low cultural paranoia
Intercultural Nonparanoiac Disclosure –will self disclose to any therapist
High functional paranoia/Low cultural paranoia
Functional Paranoiac –unwilling to disclose to anyone –due to pathology
Low functional paranoia/High cultural paranoia
Healthy Cultural Paranoiac –will self-disclose to Black therapist, but reluctant to disclose to White therapist due to past experiences with racism or differing attitudes/beliefs
High functional paranoia/High cultural paranoia
Confluent Paranoiac– unwilling to disclose to anyone based on both pathology and effects of racism
African Americans view the family as including both ____ family members as well as individuals outside the biological family. Family roles are flexible and relationships between men and women tend to be ______
nuclear and extended; egalitarian
Authorities recommend the use of an ecostructural approach when working with African American clients such as Boyd-Franklin’s ______ model, which addresses multiple systems and empowers the family by utilizing strengths
American Indians generally exhibit a consensual _____ form of social organization and view mental health problems as the result of ______ with nature. A collaborative, problem-solving, ______ approach is often preferred; and some experts recommend the use of ______ therapy, which incorporates family and community members into the treatment process
collateral; disharmony; client-centered; network
For Asian American therapy clients, a _____, structured, problem solving approach is often preferred. Therapists should emphasize _____ and establish their ____ and competence early in therapy.
directive; formalism; credibility
In terms of world view, Hispanic and Latino individuals emphasize _____ welfare over individual welfare and view interdependence as both healthy and necessary
When working with a Hispanic or Latino client, a therapist is usually best advised to be active and directive and to adopt a _____ approach that focuses on the client’s behaviour, affect, cognitions, interpersonal relationships, biological functioning ect.
Therapists should be aware that Hispanic clients may express their mental health problems as ______
somatic complaints
Among LGBTQ individuals, one response to prejudice and discrimination is _____ which occurs when these individuals accept society’s negative evaluations of them and incorporate those evaluations into their self-concepts
internalized homophobia
An important issue for LGBTQ individuals is ______ (disclosing one’s sexual orientation) to family members, friends, and others, which can have both negative and positive consequences
coming out
Savin-Williams and Diamond compared the sexual identity trajectories of male and female sexual minority youth and found that adolescent ____ had earlier onset of all milestones except disclosure of sexual orientation to another person, which occurred at a similar age for males and females
Sue and Sue propose that cultural competence involves three competencies: awareness, _____, and skills
The use of appropriate techniques for members of culturally diverse groups may require incorporating indigenous healing practices such as _____, which is a traditional Hawaiian spiritual healing ritual for restoring harmony among family members
_____ involves maintaining one’s own (minority) culture while also incorporating many aspects of the dominant culture
integration (biculturalism)
_____ is characterized by a lack of identification with one’s own minority group and the majority group
According to Wrenn, culturally _____ counsellors define everyone’s reality according to their own cultural assumptions and stereotypes
Sue and Sue describe two survival mechanisms that African American individuals may use to cope with oppression: _______ involves concealing anger by acting composed and calm, while the ______ syndrome involves adopting a passive or happy-go-lucky demeanor
playing it cool; uncle tom
According to Herek, ____ refers to shared knowledge that creates a power differential in which homosexuality is inferior to heterosexuality, while ____ includes beliefs about gender, morality, and sexuality that define sexual minorities as deviant or threatening and is inherent in language, laws. and other cultural institutions
sexual stigma; heterosexism
_____ refers to negative attitudes that are based on sexual orientation
sexual prejudice
Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity development model distinguishes between five stages that are related to the person’s _____ toward his/her own group, the dominant group, and other minority groups.
(Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity development model) –The initial Conformity stage is followed by the _____ stage, which is characterized by confusion and conflict.
(Atkinson, Morten, and Sue’s Racial/Cultural Identity development model) –The third stage _____, involves active rejection of the dominant group. This is followed by the introspection stage, and finally, the stage of integrative awareness
Resistance and Immersion
integrative awareness is characterized by self-fulfillment with regard to one’s racial/cultural identity and the adoption of a ____ perspective
The current version of Cross’s Black Racial Identity Model proposes that identity development for African Americans involves four stages. During the initial ____ stage, racial identity has low salience. Exposure to one or more race-related events leads to the ____ stage, which is characterized by greater racial/cultural awareness. This is followed by Immersion-Emersion, and then ______
Pre-encounter; Encounter; Internalization
Helm’s White Identity model: Initial contact status, followed by ______, in which increasing awareness of racism leads to confusion and emotional conflict
______ status– the individual resolves internal conflicts by accepting ____ views of minority groups
Reintegration; denigrating
Pseudo-independence status
precipitated by an event that causes the person to question his/her views
________, when the person internalizes a non-racist white identity
Troiden’s model of homosexual identity development involves four stages: sensitization/feeling different, _____, identity assumptions, and commitment/identity integration
self-recognition/identity confusion