Lifespan Development (Early influence) Flashcards
some traits are a result of multiple genes, while others are attributable to a single pair of genes that contain a single dominant gene or two _____ genes
brown eyes and dark hair require _______, while green or blue eyes and blond hair require ________
a single dominant gene; a pair of recessive genes
the contribution of heredity to an observed characteristic can be expressed in terms of a heritability estimate, which indicates the extent to which phenotypes vary within groups as the result of differences in ________
Brofenbrenner’s ecological model distinguishes between five contexts that influence development: microsystem, ______, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem
Rutter identified several factors (indicators) that increase a child’s risk for psychopathology –i.e severe ______, low SES, large family size, parental _______, maternal psychopathology, and placement of child outside the home
marital discord; criminality
Research investigating the impact of early stress on development suggests that high-risk babies are less likely to have negative outcomes when the babies experience fewer stressors following birth and have an easy temperament marked by a high degree of _______ and good communication skills
social responsivity
Three types of genotype-environment correlation have been proposed to explain how genetic and environmental factors combine to produce an individual’s attributes: passive, ______, and active
active genotype-environmental correlation is also known as ______ and occurs when children seek out experiences that are consistent with their genetic predispositions
In contrast to critical periods, ____ periods are more flexible and longer in duration.
Birth defects are caused by a number of factors. PKU is due to the presence of a pair of ______, down syndrome is the result of an extra ______, _______ syndrome is caused by the presence of two or more X-chromosomes along with the single Y chromosome, and Prader-Willi syndrome is caused by a chromosomal ________
recessive genes; number 21 chromosome; Klinefelter; deletion
The critical period for teratogens varies from organ to organ but, overall, exposure during the _____ stage is most likely to cause major structural abnormalities
Alcohol consumption by a pregnant woman can cause _____, which encompases a range of conditions that involve largely irreversible physical, behavioural, and/or cognitive abnormalities
fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
_____ used by pregnant women increases the risk for stillbirth, SIDS, seizures, low birthweight, an exaggerated startle response, and developmental delays
The most common symptoms of congenital CMV are some degree of _______ and hearing and vision impairments
intellectual disability
Prenatal malnutrition is associated with a number of abnormalities, with severe _______ deficiency during the third trimester being especially detrimental for the developing brain