Learning Theory (Principles Classical Conditioning) Flashcards
Pavlov found that, when a neutral stimulus was paired with a stimulus that naturally elicited salivation, eventually, the neutral stimulus also produced a salivation response. He referred to the stimulus that naturally elicited salivation as the ________ stimulus and the response it elicited as the _____ response
unconditioned; unconditioned
Pavlov called the neutral stimulus the ______ stimulus and the response it produced after conditioning trials the ________ response
conditioned; conditioned
The effectiveness of classical conditioning depends on several factors including the temporal relationship between the CS and the US. _________ conditioning is the most effective type of conditioning and involves presenting the CS so that it ________ presentation of the US
delay; precedes and overlaps
_________ conditioning, which involves presenting the US before the CS, is rarely effective for establishing a conditioned response
Repeated presentation of the CS without the US produces extinction of the ________
Pavlov’s investigations of extinction revealed that a weak CR is often elicited by the CS following extinction trials. He named this phenomenon _________ and argued that it proved that once something is learned, it is never entirely forgotten
spontaneous recovery
Pavlov also found that following conditioning trials, the dogs in his study exhibited _______ generalization, which occurred when a dog responded with a CR to stimuli that were similar to the original ________
stimulus; CS
Pavlov also discovered that difficult discriminations between stimuli (eg. between circle and ellipse) produced ________
experimental neurosis
______ conditioning occurs when an established CS is consistently presented following a neutral stimulus so that the neurtral stimulus also produces a CR. In this situation, the CS is being treated as a(n) ______
higher-order; US
______ occurs when an association has been made between a CS and US, and the CS and a second neutral stimulus are then presented together prior to the US. In this situation, the second neutral stimulus does not produce a CR
Watson used classical conditioning to establish a phobia in and 11 month old boy names Albert. This involved pairing presentation of a white rat with a loud noise so that, eventually, the white rat alone elicited a __________
startle response
In the little Albert experiment, the white rate was a(n) ______ stimulus, while the loud noise was a(n) _______ stimulus. Following conditioning, Albert exhibited a great deal of ________: He responded with fear not only to the white rat but also to other white furry objects
conditioned; unconditioned; stimulus generalization
Classical extinction occurs when:
the CS is repeatedly presented alone
Dr. Daniel Daggett presents Stimulus A along with a loud noise so that, eventually, a participant in his study reacts with a startle reaction whenever Stimulus A is presented alone. Dr. Daggett then pairs Stimulus B with Stimulus A so that Stimulus B also elicits a startle reaction when presented alone. This procedure is an example of:
higher-order conditioning
In one series of studies, Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate in response to a black square but not in response to a light grey square. Subsequently, when the dogs were shown a medium grey square, they exhibited which of the following?
experimental neurosis
In Watson’s research, Little Albert’s fear of white fur and cotton was the result of:
stimulus generalization
Rescorla and Wagner (1972) contend that “blocking” occurs because:
the second neutral stimulus does not provide new information about the US.
To reduce a client’s cigarette smoking, the client is exposed to several treatment sessions in which stale cigarette smoke is blown into his face soon after he begins to smoke a cigarette and this continues until he stops smoking. Eventually, the client feels nauseous whenever he even thinks about smoking. In this situation, the stale cigarette smoke has acted as:
an unconditioned stimulus