Lifespan (Cognitive development) Flashcards
According to Piaget, adaptation reflects two complementary processes: _______ involves incorporating new information into existing schemas, while ______ entails modifying existing schemas to incorporate new information
assimilation; accomodation
Piaget distinguished between four stages of development that he considered to be both universal and invariant: During the _____ stage, development depends on the sensory information provided by objects and other people and the actions that can be performed upon them.
Major accomplishments of the sensorimotor stage include the development of _____ thought, _____ permanence, ______ imitation, and make-believe play
representational (symbolic); object; deferred
The preoperational stage is characterized by a number of limitations including ______ reasoning, which underlies magical thinking and ______, which is the tendency to attribute human characteristics to inanimate objects.
precausal (transductive); animism
children in the _____ stage are capable of conservation, which depends on the operations of reversibility and ______.
concrete operational; decentration
Piaget used the term ______ to describe the gradual acquisition of conservation abilities and other abilities within a specific stage of development.
horizontal declage
The _______ stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly and engage in ______ reasoning. The beginning of this stage involves renewed egocentrism, which, according to Elkind, is reflected in two phenomena –the personal fable and the _______
formal operational; hypothetico-deductive; imaginary audience
In contrast to Piagetians, information processing theorists focus on development within specific _____
cognitive domains
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory focuses on the role of social and cultural factors and emphasizes the importance of the zone of ________, which refers to the discrepancy between a child’s current developmental level that he/she can reach when an adult or more experienced peer provides appropriate _______
proximal development; scaffolding
Research comparing the memory of children and adults suggests that, until about age _____ children do not regularly use rehearsal, elaboration, and other memory strategies
9 or 10
Improvements on cognitive tasks that occur as children get older are due, in part, to improvements in _______ (thinking about thinking)
Among older adults, ____ memory shows the greatest age-related decline, which appears to be due primarily to problems related to the use of effective _____ strategies
recent long-term (secondary); encoding
The ability of adults to have better recall of autobiographical events that occured between the ages of 10 and 30 is referred to as the _______
reminiscence bump
According to Piaget, centration, or the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a situation or object while ignoring all others, is characteristic of the _________ stage.
According to Piaget, the source of motivation for cognitive development is:
As defined by Piaget, assimilation involves:
incorporating new information into existing knowledge
As described by Vygotsky, __________ is a temporary aid provided by one person (the “teacher”) to encourage, support, and assist a lesser-skilled person (the “learner”) acquire a skill or solve a problem.
Children under the age of 9 often have trouble with memory tasks because of their:
inconsistent use of rehearsal and other memory strategies
In response to your concerns about the potential consequences of his recent risk-taking behaviors, a 16-year-old says, “Don’t worry, that can’t happen to me.” According to Elkind, this is a manifestation of which of the following?
Studies have found that, when older adults are asked to recall personal events from their lives, they often exhibit a “reminiscence bump.” A recent explanation for this phenomenon is that it is due to which of the following?
development of a personal sense of identity
Which of the following best describes changes in memory that are associated with normal aging?
Recent long-term memory is most adversely affected by increasing age due to inadequate encoding strategies.