Physiology (Neurobehavioral, Psychophysiological, Endocrine) Flashcards
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be the result of either a closed- or open-head injury. A closed head injury usually causes an alteration or loss of ______ and some degree of anterograde and retrograde amnesia
Level of severity for TBI is often determined by considering the person’s initial score on the ______, duration of ______, and duration of loss of consciousness
Glasgow Coma scale; posttraumatic amnesia
The term posttraumatic amnesia is usually used to refer to _______ amnesia
When retrograde amnesia occurs, _______ memories return first
Recovery from TBI is moderated by a number of factors, but, in general, the greatest amount of recovery occurs during the first _____ months
As described in the DSM-5, the diagnosis of Neurocognitive Disorder Due to Traumatic Brain Injury requires that symptoms meet the criteria for Major or Mild neurocognitive disorder plus evidence of a traumatic brain injury with loss of _____, ______, disorientation and confusion, and/or neurological signs
consciousness; posttraumatic amnesia
Common symptoms of a stroke (cerebrovascular accident) include contralateral hemiplegia, contralateral _____, and contralateral visual field loss
When the stroke involves the ____ cerebral artery, symptoms may also include dysarthia, aphasia, or apraxia
Huntington’s disease is due to an _____ dominant gene and is characterized by a combination of psychiatric, cognitive, and motor symptoms
Huntington’s disease has been linked to degeneration of ______-secreting cells and glutamate excitotoxicity in certain structures of the basal ganglia
Parkinson’s disease is due to the degeneration of ______-containing cells in the substantia nigra and involves tremor at rest, _______ (“cruel restlessness”), muscle rigidity, and _______ (a reduction or absence of spontaneous movements)
dopamine; akathisia; akinesia
______ (grand mal) seizures involve stiffening of the body followed by rhythmic shaking of the limbs, while ______ (petit mal) seizures are characterized by a loss of consciousness without prominent motor symptoms
Tonic-clonic; absence
_____ seizures begin in one side of the brain and affect one side of the body, at least initially.
Multiple Sclerosis is a progressive disease of the nervous system that involves degeneration of the ______ that surrounds nerve fibres in the brain and spinal cord. Initial symptoms include optic neuritis, fatigue, motor impairments, and ______ abnormalities
Myelin; sensory
psychophysiological disorders are characterized by symptoms that are caused, maintained, or exacerbated by ______ factors
emotional (psychological)