Maternity Final Flashcards
Where does implantation occur Ch 2
The upper section of the uterine wall
(know) Women have all of their ova at the time they are born. Ch2
The most favorable pelvis for vaginal delivery Ch2
First sign of puberty in males and females Ch2
Increase in muscle mass and strength for men. Girls grow breasts. Puberty begins when secondary sex characteristics begin to appear
(know) There is sperm in preejaculate Ch2
What are fimbriae Ch2
fingerlike projections from the infundibulum that capture the ovum at ovulation and conduct it into the fallopian tube.
Number of chromosomes in a sperm or an ovum Ch3
Site of fertilization Ch3
Outer third of the fallopian tube near the ovary. Ampulla.
Vessels in the cord
2 small arteries and 1 large vein
Which one carries blood to the fetus AVA Ch4
What is HCG
only found from the placenta and what makes an at home pregnancy test show as a positive
When is age of viability
20 weeks
What are gravida and para, know TPALM Ch4
Gravida is any pregnancy regardless of duration. Para is a woman who has given birth to one or more children over the age of viability
What is Chadwick’s sign Ch4
Chadwick’s sign is the purplish or bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva caused by increased vascular congestion
Nagel’s rule
minus 3 months plus 7 days, fix year if need be
When can i hear fetal heart rate with a doppler
10 weeks
Why do i take folic acid
to prevent neural tube defects
Positive signs of pregnancy
ultrasound and hearing a heartbeat
When are you considered geriatric pregnancy
What is supine hypotensive syndrome
laying woman flat on back and cutting oxygen off to the baby
Big difference between morning system and emesis gravidarum
loss of fluid and electrolyte
What is an ectopic pregnancy
A pregnancy that occurs outside of the fallopian tube
What is placenta previa
Where the placenta is not at the top of the uterus and it is low lying or covering the cervix and has to be a C section
Symptoms of abruptio placenta
Bleeding accompanied by abdominal or low back pain
Who is going to need rhogam
RH negative mother with an RH positive baby
What disease process causes macrosomic infants and polyhydramnios
gestational diabetes
What do i do for infants born to Hep B mom
immunoglobulins and vaccination
Why do i give mag for preeclampsia
(know) For mag infusions make sure you are watching respirations and reflexes, its a muscle represent and will knock your respiratory drive right out
Antidote for mag
calcium gluconate
What does frequency of contractions mean
measure from beginning of one to beginning of next
Why is it important to have relaxation phase between contractions
so baby can breathe and get oxygen
What does it mean if baby comes out and has already had a poop
fetal distress
False and true labor
true labor dilated cervix
(know) If women says baby is coming, believe her
What are accelerations
up 15 beats and hold for 15 to 20 seconds before coming back down
What do i do if patient is bleeding really bad postpartum
fundus assessment and make sure its not boggy
What does an APGAR score indicate
heart rate, respirations, reflexes, and color
(know) 0 station is engage, negative is between ischial spines, positive means its coming out