Maternity Final Flashcards
Where does implantation occur Ch 2
The upper section of the uterine wall
(know) Women have all of their ova at the time they are born. Ch2
The most favorable pelvis for vaginal delivery Ch2
First sign of puberty in males and females Ch2
Increase in muscle mass and strength for men. Girls grow breasts. Puberty begins when secondary sex characteristics begin to appear
(know) There is sperm in preejaculate Ch2
What are fimbriae Ch2
fingerlike projections from the infundibulum that capture the ovum at ovulation and conduct it into the fallopian tube.
Number of chromosomes in a sperm or an ovum Ch3
Site of fertilization Ch3
Outer third of the fallopian tube near the ovary. Ampulla.
Vessels in the cord
2 small arteries and 1 large vein
Which one carries blood to the fetus AVA Ch4
What is HCG
only found from the placenta and what makes an at home pregnancy test show as a positive
When is age of viability
20 weeks
What are gravida and para, know TPALM Ch4
Gravida is any pregnancy regardless of duration. Para is a woman who has given birth to one or more children over the age of viability
What is Chadwick’s sign Ch4
Chadwick’s sign is the purplish or bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva caused by increased vascular congestion
Nagel’s rule
minus 3 months plus 7 days, fix year if need be
When can i hear fetal heart rate with a doppler
10 weeks
Why do i take folic acid
to prevent neural tube defects
Positive signs of pregnancy
ultrasound and hearing a heartbeat
When are you considered geriatric pregnancy
What is supine hypotensive syndrome
laying woman flat on back and cutting oxygen off to the baby
Big difference between morning system and emesis gravidarum
loss of fluid and electrolyte
What is an ectopic pregnancy
A pregnancy that occurs outside of the fallopian tube
What is placenta previa
Where the placenta is not at the top of the uterus and it is low lying or covering the cervix and has to be a C section
Symptoms of abruptio placenta
Bleeding accompanied by abdominal or low back pain
Who is going to need rhogam
RH negative mother with an RH positive baby
What disease process causes macrosomic infants and polyhydramnios
gestational diabetes
What do i do for infants born to Hep B mom
immunoglobulins and vaccination
Why do i give mag for preeclampsia
(know) For mag infusions make sure you are watching respirations and reflexes, its a muscle represent and will knock your respiratory drive right out
Antidote for mag
calcium gluconate
What does frequency of contractions mean
measure from beginning of one to beginning of next
Why is it important to have relaxation phase between contractions
so baby can breathe and get oxygen
What does it mean if baby comes out and has already had a poop
fetal distress
False and true labor
true labor dilated cervix
(know) If women says baby is coming, believe her
What are accelerations
up 15 beats and hold for 15 to 20 seconds before coming back down
What do i do if patient is bleeding really bad postpartum
fundus assessment and make sure its not boggy
What does an APGAR score indicate
heart rate, respirations, reflexes, and color
(know) 0 station is engage, negative is between ischial spines, positive means its coming out
First intervention for a baby who is not looking good on the monitor
reposition mother and or baby
Why are you worried about women having VBAC
uterine rupture
(know) With an episiotomy Assess fluid, watch for prolapsed cord, watch fetal heart rate
How to perform sacral pressure
put pressure over the sacrum, typically with a ball or something
What should you have on hand if a baby comes out drugged
(know) Remember for a C-section mom is NPO and are given meds to prevent vomiting and aspiration
Why would a women not be able to have an epidural
abnormal clotting and low platelet count
(know) 110-160 for neonate heart rate
(know) Elevation in heart rate determines maternal infection, higher moms temperature, higher babies heart rate
Tachysystole, what do i do if it happens
Excess uterine activity; stop oxytocin
Where should i expect to find the fundus right after delivery
Can be felt midline at or below the level of umbilicus as a firm mass; after 24 hours the fundus begins to descend 1 cm a day
What do you do if fundus is boggy
massage it
What type of lochia should i see right after delivery
(know) Remember, Lochia should never have bad odor and should never go from pink to white back to red
When can mom get MMR
after birth
What should i do about afterpains
breastfeeding causes more afterpains since it makes your uterus contract
How do you check ID bands on babies
YOU must see it, no one else can tell you the number, you must look at both bands
Hypoglycemic level for a baby
under 40
If a mom wants to breastfeed her baby and she has had a C section how would you tell her to hold her baby so baby is not laying across the incision
Football hold
What does hypovolemic shock look like and what would you see first
Caused by postpartum hemorrhage or blood clotting disorders. The first sign is tachycardia
What is uterine atony
floppy uterus and wont firm up,, massage it and call the doctor if it doesn’t firm up
(know) If bladder is too full at birth have mom pee
(know) You can breastfeed with mastitis, if not at least pump
What typically causes hematomas in the vaginal wall
large baby and traumatic birth
(know) Lacerations, watch bleeding, it will be a trickling of blood
Review homan’s sign
too see if DVT in calf, have patient lay flat and do a quick jerk on their foot
What is caput and what is cephalohematoma
caput is if you have been dilated too long and the baby’s head kind of goes through and gains fluid.. Cephlahematomo does not cross suture line
(know) Don’t do anything if baby’s head is molded, its normal
(know) Babies have murmur, cyanosis, mucus coming from everywhere… respirations should never retract, grunt, cough, or sing
a loud noise, bumping the surface of the crib, or suddenly lowering the infant’s head while holding him will cause the infant to symmetrically extend and abduct the arms and then adduct in an embracelike motion
moro reflex
turn the infant’s head to one side, and the arm and leg will extend on that side, with flexion of the opposite arm and leg
tonic reflex
place an object in the hand of the newborn, and he will grasp it tightly, works the same with toes but that would be called plantar reflex
palmar grasp reflex
stroke the sole of the foot and the big toe will dorsifelx, and the toes will flare out
babinski reflex
infant’s head turns in the direction of anything that touches the cheek, anticipation of food
rooting response
infant will suck on a finger or nipple placed in the mouth
sucking response
tipping him forward will induce eye opening
eye opening
bringing an object close to the eye at a fast pace will induce blinking
blinking reflex
hold the infant upright above a table and he will lift the foot up on contact with the firm surface of the table
stepping or dance reflex
What should babies fontanels look/feel like
should not be sunken or bulging
(know) Bathe baby from head down and save the hair for last, don’t use any oils or lotions due to the UV lights used in the nursey, oils and lotions can cause burns on the baby
Normal vitals for a newborn
respirations 30-60, pulse 110-160, Blood pressure 80/46
(know) Breastfed babies have yellow poop and bottle babies have greenish poop due to the iron
(know) Neonates sleep 15-20 hours
(know) Should have 6 wet diapers in a 24 hour period
(know) Babies can only refuse one feeding a day
What is milia
baby acne, no interventions needed
How to teach parents how to use a bulb syringe
squeeze bottle in air then put in baby, do not squeeze air into baby
(know) Remember that toxicum newborn rash is normal but jaundice is not normal, angel kiss or stork bites are normal, acrocyanosis is normal
What does a mongolian spot look like
bruised butt
(know) Pregos are high risk for blood clots, if traveling, get up and walk around frequently
What are TORCH infections
Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegaly ( CMV), Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection
Remember VEAL CHOP
VEAL: variable, early, accelerations, late CHOP: cord compression, head compression, okay, placental insufficiency
Non Pharmacological methods to help with pain
guided imagery etc
(know) When it comes to formulas baby before 1 yr old can ONLY have breastmilk or formula
Ways to help a baby with pain
swaddle, rock, give pacey, etc…
How to Care for a newly circumcised penis
Put vaseline in the diaper to prevent it from sticking and wash penis with warm water
What is leopold’s maneuver
Palpate the uterus to determine the location of the fetus
How long should you monitor fetal heart rate after amniotomy
1 minute
What do you use CRIES, FLACC, PIPP, etc for