AP 4 2.0 Flashcards
inflamed, plugged sebaceous gland duct, common in acne conditions; also called a blackhead
primary organ of the integumentary system; the skin
cutaneous membrane
skinfold covering the root of the nail
bluish appearance of the skin caused by deficient oxygenation of the blood
tiny bumps in the upper region of the dermis that forms part of the dermal-epidermal junction and produces the ridges and grooves of fingerprints
dermal papillae
junction between the thin epidermal layer of the skin and the dermal layer providing support for the epidermis
dermal-epidermal junction
the deeper of the two major layers of the skin, composed of dense fibrous connective tissue interspersed with glands, nerve endings, and blood vessels; sometimes called the true skin
relating to an exocrine gland with secretory cells that release secretions by exocytosis without losing part of the cell, as occurs in apocrine glands
any of a group of small sweat glands distributed over the total body surface
eccrine sweat gland
“false” skin; outermost layer of the skin
membrane composed of epithelial tissue with an underlying layer of connective tissue
epithelial membrane
minor burn causing only minimal discomfort and no blistering; the epidermis may peel but no dermal injury occurs
first-degree burn
a pocket-like structure, such as the cylindrical pocket from which a hair grows or fluid-filled sacs in the thyroid gland or ovary
A full-thickness burn that destroys both dermis and epidermis and also extends below the subcutaneous tissue to damage underlying tissues such as muscles or bone
fourth-degree burn
burn that (1) destroys epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue and (2) extends below the skin and subcutaneous tissue to reach muscle and bone
full-thickness burn
a small tube where hair growth occurs
hair follicle
a small cap-shaped cluster of cells located at the base of the follicle where hair growth begins
hair papilla
the loose, ordinary tissue just under the skin and superficial to the muscles; also called subcutaneous tissue or superficial fascia
a malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the skin characterized by a purplish spots
Kaposi sarcoma (KS)
protective protein substance found in hair, nails, outer skin cells, and horny tissues
sensory receptor with a layered encapsulation found deep in the dermis that detects pressure on the skin surface
Lamellar (pacini) corpuscle
fibrous connective tissue underlying the epithelium in mucous membranes
lamina propria
the extremely fine, soft hair found on a newborn infant
crescent shaped white area under the proximal nail bed
brown skin pigment
a malignant neoplasm (cancer) of the pigment-producing cells of the skin
thin layer or sheet
the transitional area where the skin and mucous membrane sheet
mucocutaneous junction
epithelial membranes that line body surfaces opening directly to the exterior and secrete a thick, slippery material called mucus
mucous membrane
thick, slippery material that is secreted by the mucous membrane and keeps the membrane moist
the visible part of the nail
nail body
term used to describe both minor burn injury and more severe burns that injure both epidermis and dermis
partial-thickness burn
membrane surrounding the heart
large, moist, slippery sheet of serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity
inflammation of the serous membranes in the abdominopelvic cavity; sometimes a serious complication of an infected appendix
transparent, watery liquid released by glands in the skin that eliminates ammonia and uric acid and helps maintain body temperature; also known as sweat
colored substance
the serous membrane in the thoracic cavity that lines each pleural cavity and covers the lungs
inflammation of the pleura
pin-point size opening on the skin that serves as the outlet of a small duct from the eccrine sweat glands
oil-producing gland found in the skin
sebaceous gland
secretion of sebaceous glands, also known as “nature’s skin cream”
a partial-thickness burn injury that often involves damage to the dermis
second-degree burn
a two-layered epithelial membrane that lines body cavities and covers the surfaces of organs
serous membrane
malignant tumor of the epidermis; slow growing cancer that is capable of metastasizing
squamous cell carcinoma
the tough outer layer of the epidermis; cells are filled with keratin
stratum corneum
the innermost of the tightly packed epithelial cells of the epidermis; cells in this layer are able to reproduce themselves
stratum germinativum
administration of substances into the subcutaneous layer beneath the skin
subcutaneous injection
tissue below the layers of skin; made up of loose connective tissue and lipid
subcutaneous tissue
sweat gland
sudoriferous gland
hypodermis; subcutaneous layer beneath the dermis
superficial fascia
exocrine gland that produces sweat
sweat gland
the thick, colorless lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
synovial fluid
connective tissue membrane lining the spaces between bones and joints that secretes synovial fluid
synovial membrane
large, encapsulated sensory neuron of the skin for light or discriminative touch; also known as the meissner corpuscle
tactile (meissner) corpuscle
involves complete destruction of both epidermis and dermis with injury extending into subcutaneous tissue
third-degree burn
basement membrane. layer of the serous membrane that lines the walls of a body cavity (forms the lining of the body cavity)
basement membrane. the portion of the membrane that folds inward to cover the surface of organs within a body cavity (covers the organs found in the cavity)
(know) epithelial membranes are avascular and connective tissue membranes are vascular
What are the 3 types of epithelial tissue membranes?
#1 cutaneous membrane #2 serous membranes #3 mucous membranes
What are 5 functions of the skin
#1 protection #2 temperature regulation #3 sense organ activity #4 excretion #5 synthesis of vitamin D
(PETSS, protection, excretion, temperature regulation, sense organ activity, synthesis of vitamin D)
What are the 5 warning signs of melanoma?
#1 asymmetry #2 border #3 color #4 diameter #5 evolving
The classification and seriousness of a burn injury, as well as appropriate treatment and the possibility for recovery, are determined by 3 major factors :
#1 total body surface area affected #2 depth and number of tissue layers involved #3 type of homeostatic mechanisms disrupted, such as respiratory or blood pressure control and fluid and electrolyte balace
(know) 5% of our blood supply is in our skin
(know) reticular layer makes up 80% of the skin
(know) burns : capillary formability occurs, which means fluid shifts to try to heal the burn. Hypoglycemic shock 24 hours after burn is a risk. Replace fluid.
(know) hypertonic ; shrinks cells
(know) isotonic means equal
(know) hypotonic ; cells get large and rupture
(know) isotonic solutions have normal saline and lactated ringers (LR).
(know) fluid resuscitation with burns, use lactated ringers (LR)
(know) 15 to 20 percent, or more, total BSA that will change the cardiac output (circulating volume)
(know) 2nd degree or greater or partial thickness or greater to be at risk of hyperglycemic shock and needing fluid resuscitation