Fundamentals chapters 2 + 5 Flashcards
Pathologic process that causes illness
The word ___ comes from a word that means wholeness
When do you do a brief assessment?
within the first hour of every shift
A relative state in which one is able to function well physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually in order to express the full range of one’s unique potentialities within the environment in which one is living
Disease of body or mind
Chronic illness
persisting for a long time; can be controlled but not cured (hypertension)
What is subjective data?
Subjective data is perceived only by the individual. Only the person can tell you if she feels ill
Acute illness
Is one that develops suddenly and resolves in a short time
Terminal illness
no cure available
Primary illness
develops without being caused by another health problem
Secondary illness
results from or is caused by a primary illness
Inherited means ___
Congenital means ___
present at birth
Idiopathic illness
is one for which there is no known cause
etiology means ___
wellness means ___
physical and mental well being
Transition stage
During this period, one may deny feeling ill but recognize that symptoms of an illness are present
Acceptance stage
denial of illness stops and a “sick” role is assumed
Convalescence stage
recovering after the illness and regaining health
Adaptation means ___
adjustment in structure or habits
Maladaptation means ___
lack of adjustment
Self-actualized means ___
reaching one’s full potential
___ ___ thinks of health as being a relatively passive state, one that a person enjoys because of hereditary and environmental factors that are essentially beyond her control. High level wellness, on the contrary, is described a dynamic and active movement toward fulfillment of one’s potential
Halbert Dunn
Coping means ___
adjusting to or accepting challenges
___ can be defined as any action undertaken to promote health, prevent disease, or detect disease in an early asymptomatic way
Health behavior
Asymptomatic means ___
without symptoms
___ is any activity a person takes to determine her actual state of health and to seek a suitable remedy for a health problem
illness behavior
Knowledge and skill making health care decisions is ___
health literacy
___ is one that considers the person’s biologic, psychological, sociological, and spiritual aspects and needs
Holistic approach
Stress means ___
biologic reactions to an adverse stimulus
___ is defined as the arrangement of objects, elements, or values in order for their importance
Oxygenation, Nutrition, Elimination, Safety, Rest and Comfort, Hygiene, Activity, Sexual procreation are examples of ___
Physiologic needs
Physiologic needs are ___ (8)
Oxygenation, Nutrition, Elimination, Safety, Rest and Comfort, Hygiene, Activity, Sexual procreation
Psychological comfort, Assistance in meeting needs, Comfortable environment are examples of ___
Safety and Security
Safety and Security examples are ___ (3)
Psychological comfort, Assistance in meeting needs, Comfortable environment
Loving, affection, intimacy, sexual expression are examples of ___
Love examples are ___
Loving, affection, intimacy, sexual expression
Independence, competence, exploration, roles, motivation, learning, leisure, spiritual beliefs are examples of ___
Self-esteem examples are ___ (8)
Independence, competence, exploration, roles, motivation, learning, leisure, spiritual beliefs
Self knowledge and acceptance, achievement, openness, flexibility, universal knowledge, aesthetics are examples of ___
Self actualization
Self actualization examples are ___ (6)
Self knowledge and acceptance, achievement, openness, flexibility, universal knowledge, aesthetics
Maslow's hierarchy pyramid from top to bottom 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- Self-actualization
- Self-esteem
- Love and belonging
- safety and security
- Physiologic
The greater degree of connectedness, of feeling that one understands and is understood by another is known as ___
Self actualization means ___
reaching ones full potentional
A tendency of biologic systems to maintain stability of the internal environment by continually adjusting to changes necessary for survival is ___
To enjoy some degree of health and sense of well-being, one must adapt to factors in the ___
external environment
Living in harmony with the external environmental factors requires both ____
adaptability and stability
__ is adverse stimulus
___ disturbs the organism’s homeostasis and causes the body to attempt to adapt
___ is not subject to voluntary control
What does GAS stand for?
general adaptation syndrome
___ occurs in response to long-term exposure to stress. The stages are the alarm stage, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion.
General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
What are the stages of General adaptation syndrome (GAS)
Alarm stage, the stage of resistance, and the stage of exhaustion.
The local response is called the ___
Local adaptation syndrome (LAS)
___ means adjusting to or solving challenges
___ are strategies that protect us from increasing anxiety
Defense mechanisms
The unconscious blocking of a wish or desire from conscious awareness is ____
Escaping unpleasant, anxiety-causing thoughts by refusing to acknowledge their existence. There is a persistent refusal to be swayed by evidence is ___
Attributing an unconscious impulse, attitude, or behavior to someone else (blaming or scapegoating) is ___
An intense feeling regarding an object, person, or feeling is out of awareness and is unknowingly acted out consciously in an opposite manner
Returning to an earlier level of adaptation when severely threatened
Unconsciously falsifying an experience by giving a contrived, socially acceptable, and logical explanation to justify an unpleasant experience or questionable behavior
Modeling behavior after someone else
Discharging intense feelings for one person onto another object or person who is less threatening, thereby satisfying an impulse with a substitute object
rechanneling an impulse into a more socially desirable object
Name the defense mechanisms (9)
Repression, Denial, Projection, Reaction-formation, Regression, Rationalization, Identification, Displacement, Sublimation
When the brain perceives a situation as threatening, the sympathetic nervous system stimulates the physiologic functions needed for ___
fight or flight
___ avoids or delays occurrence of a specific disease or disorder
Primary prevention
___ consists of following guidelines for screening for diseases that are easily treated if found early or for detecting return of a disease
Secondary Prevention
___ consists of rehabilitation measures after the disease or disorder has stabilized
Tertiary prevention
___ consists of fathering information about patients and their needs using a variety of methods
___ are pieces of information on a specific topic
___ is all of the information gathered about a patient
___ is concerned with one very specific problem
focused assessment
___ is a conversation in which facts are obtained
Data obtained from the patient verbally that only the patient can describe or verify are called ___
subjective data
Information obtained through the sense and hands on physical examination is ___
objective data
Assessment is an ____
ongoing process
___ is a data collection tool that assists in obtaining the information needed to interview the patient intelligently or to prepare adequately for the day’s patient assignment
medical records (chart)
MAR stands for ___
medication administration record
eMAR stands for ___
electronic medication administration
Hemiparesis is ___
left sided weakness
___ is looking
___ is listening, usually with a stethoscope
___ is using hands and the sense of touch
___ is tapping with fingertips to produce vibration and sound
A ___ should be carried out in a systematic manner
___ focus on the body systems in which there is a problem or potential problem
Ongoing nursing data collection and examination
For Medicare patients, reassessment by an RN is necessary every ___
90 days
ADL means ___
activities of daily living
___ are pieces of data or information that influence decisions
___ are conclusions made based on observed data
The ___ is never included in the construction of the nursing diagnosis
medical diagnosis
___ are the causes of the problem
Etiologic factors
___ are those characteristics (signs and symptoms) that must be present for a particular nursing diagnosis to be appropriate for that patient
Defining characteristics
___ are abnormalities that can be verified by repeat examination and are objective data
___ are factors the patient has said are occurring that cannot be verified by examination and are subjective data
___ defines the patient’s response to illness
The nursing diagnosis
___ labels the illness
The medical diagnosis
Once the nursing diagnoses have been formulated, they are ranked according to their ___
___ always comes first
___ is used to make astute judgements regarding priorities
critical thinking
___ are achievable within 7 to 10 days or before discharge
short term goals
___ take many weeks or months to achieve
long term goals
___ is a specific statement regarding the goal the patient is expected to achieve because of nursing intervention
expected outcome
___ contains measurable criteria that can be evaluated to see whether the outcome has been achieved
expected outcome
Once every ___ the care plan is reviewed and updated
every 24 hours
the ___ should be constructed right after the admission database is collected
the nursing care plan
social interaction, human caring, communication, family community are examples of ___
belonging examples are ___
social interaction, human caring, communication, family community
Nursing plans consist of ___
individual issues, family concerns, short and long term goals, expected outcomes
___ typically involves three parts, indicating the patients problem or potential problem; the cause or related factors, which can include the pathophysiology; and specific defining characteristics or the signs and symptoms
nursing diagnosis
What do you do when performing admission interviews on older adults?
allow more time because the person will probably have a more extensive history and may take longer to recall the needed information
During the ___ stage the hormone release mobilizes the body’s defenses
alarm stage
During the ___ stage the body is battling for equilibrium
stage of resistance
___ occurs if the stressor is severe or present over a long enough time to deplete the body’s resources for adaptation
stage of exhaustion