Fund 28 Flashcards
condition of being without oxygen
absence of breathing
collapsed or airless part of the lung; collapse of alveoli
tube for insertion into a duct or cavity
difficult and labored breathing
within the trachea
cough up and spit out
movement of air out of the lungs
excess carbon dioxide in the blood
decreased amount of oxygen in the bloodstream
state of insufficient oxygen in the blood
movement of air into the lungs
device that dispenses liquid in a fine spray, used in inhalation therapy
curved guide that is inserted into the trachea to facilitate placement of a tube
inward movement of respiratory muscles upon inspiration
shrill, harsh sound on inspiration; caused by obstruction of the upper air passages, as occurs in a croup or laryngitis
increased or rapid breathing
adhesive, sticky
the mucous membrane lining the bronchial tree contains tine hairlike projections, or ___, to trap and help remove small foreign particles that are inhaled
what are early signs of hypoxia
sits up to breathe, complains, “i can’t catch my breath”, memory lapse, mental dullness, restlessness
what are late signs of hypoxia
cyanosis, muscle retractions
(know) if the patient has on nail polish, the sensor may function best if the polish is removed or the sensor is positioned on the sides of the finger. sensor misplacement, cyanosis, cold fingertips, reduced peripherals pulses, ambient light, and anemia are other factors that may cause inaccurate readings
(know) When using a pulse oximeter the procedure may not be accurate if the patient has had recent tests using intravenous dye, or is jaundiced
(know) in the unconscious person, the most common cause of airway obstruction is the tonge, turn them on their side
(know) when administering abdominal thrusts place the hands slightly above the umbilicus and well below the sternum with the thumb of the fist inward
(know) postural drainage best results occur when the procedure is carried out in the morning and 56 to 60 minutes before a meal
(know) best results occur when the procedure is carried out in the morning and 56 to 60 minutes before a meal
(know) secretions and mucus plugs may be loosed by percussion of the chest. Percussion is the rhythmic clapping with cupped hands over the thoracic area, but not over the spine or sternum. After percussion and postural drainage, the patient is assisted to cough effectively and expectorate the secretions
(know) oxygen therapy safety: check all electrical devices for frayed wires, and to see that they are in good working order, to prevent short-circuit sparks that could cause a fire
(know) patients with obstructive lung diseases should be given only 2 to 3 L/min because higher concentrations of oxygen reduce the respiratory rate. This is because their incentive to breathe comes from lower oxygen levels rather than higher carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Check orders for oxygen carefully and always verify high flow rates with the prescribing care provider
(know) artificial airways are used for several purposes: to relieve obstruction, to protect the airway, to facilitate suctions, and to provide artificial ventilation. There are two types of pharyngeal airways: the nasopharyngeal airway and the oropharyngeal airway
low concentrations: dependent on rate and depth of breathing
nasal cannula
low to medium concentrations: 30 to 50 percent can be achieved with a flow rate of 6 to 12 L/min
simple face mask
delivers consistent FlO2 regardless of the breathing pattern. Concentration and liter flow are marked on the mask apparatus; available for 24%, 28%, 31%, 35%, 40%, and 50% o2
venturi mask
(know) Endotracheal, nasal, and oropharyngeal are used to keep the tongue from falling back into the throat and are frequently required for postoperative patients until they have recovered from anesthesia. these airways are used for patients who can breath on their own; however, you must never leave the bedside of a patient with this type of airway in place
For nasopharyngeal suctioning, the suction pressure should be set between __ and ___ mm Hg
80 to 120
(know) with nasopharyngeal suctioning, pick up the sterile catheter with your gloved dominant hand and attach the suction port to the connecting tubing held by your other hand (glove on nondominant hand is no longer sterile). (prepares catheter for suctioning procedure. Connecting tubing is not sterile; therefore, the glove that touches it is no longer sterile)
(know) with endotracheal and tracheostomy suctioning: auscultate the patient’s lungs to determine whether retained secretions are present. Measure patient’s vital signs. If patient is on a cardiac monitor, note cardiac rate and rhythm
(know) maintaining a disposable water-seal chest drainage system: attach the unit to the wall suction, and set suction to measure 20 mm on the suction control chamber gauge, or to the amount ordered; there should be mild continuous bubbling in the suction chamber
(know) each patient with a respiratory problem or the potential for one should turn, cough, and deep breath every 2 hours
Splinting an incision with a small pillow and sitting on the side of the bed allows for a more effective cough. Encourage fluid intake of ___ to ___ mL/day to help thin secretions
1500 to 2000