AP ch 10 Flashcards
sensitive to change in intensity or color of light, as in vision
sensitive to presence of certain chemicals, as in taste or smell
sensitive to physical injury
Pain receptors
sensitive to changes in temperature
sensitive to mechanical stimuli that change their position or shape
The senses are often classified as either ___ or ___
general senses or special senses
The ___ are those detected by simple microscopic receptors that are widely distributed throughout the body in the skin, muscles, tendons, joints, and other internal organs of the body. They are responsible for such sensations as pain, temperature, touch, pressure, and body position
general senses
What type of receptor is the Eye?
What type of specific receptor is the Eye?
Rods and cones
What type of receptor is the Ear?
What type of specific receptors is the Ear? (3)
#1 spiral organ #2 Cristae ampullares #3 Maculae
What type of receptor is the Nose?
What type of specific receptor is the Nose?
Olfactory cells
What type of receptor is the taste buds?
What type of specific receptor is the taste buds?
The ability to distinguish one touch stimulus from two is called
two-point discrimination
What is the distance between touch receptors over the fingerips
2 to 8 mm
What is the distance between touch receptors over the palms
8 to 12 mm
What is the distance between touch receptors over the torso
40 to 60 mm
Some general sensory receptors found deep within skeletal muscle tissue are called ___
The tendon organ is also called ___
golgi tendon organ
The eye has 3 wall layers :
#1 Fibrous layer #2 Vascular layer #3 Inner layer
What is in the Fibrous layer
Sclera and Cornea
What is in the Vascular layer
Choroid, Ciliary, Iris, Lens
What is in the Inner layer
Retina, optic nerve, Retinal blood vessels
The “white” of the eye is part of the fibrous layer called the ___
The transparent circle on the anterior of the fibrous layer is called the ___
Inflammation of the cornea is called ___
A mucous membrane known as the ___ lines the eyelids and covers the fibrous layer in front
Inflammation of the conjunctiva membrane is called ___ or pink eye and is most often caused by bacterial or viral infection, allergy, or environmental factors
The conjunctiva is kept moist by tears secreted by the ___
lacrimal gland
The ___ helps prevent the scattering of incoming light rays, which could make it hard for the eye to focus on an image
The ___ makes up most of the inner layer of the eyeball
___ are the receptors for night vision and ___ are the receptors for daytime vision
rods and cones
There is a yellowish area near the center of the reina called the ___
macula lutea
___ contains the greatest concentration of cones of any area of the retina
fovea centralis
___ are sensitive to various wavelengths of light, but they are not used to form visual images. Instead, information from these cells helps the body determine whether it is day or night, as well as the level of moonlight
ganglion cells
___ is the name of the watery fluid in front of the lens (in the anterior chamber of the eye)
aqueous humor
___ is the name of the jellylike fluid behind the lens (in the posterior chamber)
vitreous humor
___ occurs as light passes through the cornea, the aqueous humor, the lens, and the vitreous humor on its way to the retina
The innermost layer of the retina contains the rods and cones, which are the ___ of the eye
photoreceptor cells
“blind spot” known as the
optic dick
The stimulation or “trigger” that activates receptors involved with hearing and equilibrium is mechanical, and the receptors themselves are called ___
The ear is divided into the following anatomical areas : (3)
#1 External ear #2 Middle ear #3 Inner ear
The external ear has two parts :
#1 the auricle or pinna #2 external acoustic canal
The tympanic membrane is the
Cerumen is
ear wax
A medical device called an ___ can be used to view the external acoustic canal and eardrum
The ___ separates the middle ear from the inner ear
oval window
The ___ or eustachian tube connects the throat with the middle ear
auditory tube
Middle ear infection is called
otitis media
The inner ear consists of three spaces in the temporal bone assembled in a complex maze called the ___
bony labyrinth
The bony labyrinth space is filled with a watery fluid called ___
The perilymph is divided into 3 parts :
#1 vestibule #2 semicircular canals #3 cochlea
A balloonlike membranous sac is suspended in the perilymph and follows the shape of the bony labyrinth much like a “tube within a tube”. This is the ___
membranous labyrinth
The membranous labyrinth is filled with a thicker fluid called ___
The organ of hearing is the
spiral organ (organ of Corti)
hearing loss is caused by nerve impairment is common in the elderly. Called ___, this progressive hearing loss associated with aging results from degeneration of sensory nerve tissue in the ear and the vestibulocochlear nerve
Within the vestibule are two structures, each made up of a patch of sensory hairs coated with a thick glob of heavy gel. Each of these structures is called a ___
“sense of gravity” or ___
static equilibrium
___, which generates a nerve impulse when the speed or direction of movement of your head changes
crista ampullaris
“sense of motion” is called ___
dynamic equilibrium
___ sways back and forth within the endolymph
Nerves from mechanoreceptors in the vestibule join those from the semicircular canals to form the ___
vestibular nerve
Our sense of taste - or ___ - allows us to chemically analyze food before we bite or swallow it
The taste buds contain both supporting cells and chemoreceptors called ___. These cells generate the nervous impulses ultimately interpreted by the brain as taste
gustatory cells
About 10 to 15 large ___ form an inverted “V” pattern at the back of the tongue and contain the most taste buds
circumvallate papillae
This taste detects the amino acid glutamate
decrease in receptor sensitivity is called ___
The stimulation of pain receptors in deep structures may be felt as pain in the skin that lies over the affected organ or in an area of skin on the body surface far removed from the site of disease or injury : what is the term for this phenomenon
Referred pain
What injury is top priority? This injury is about the same level as a heart attack
an eye injury is a medical emergency
What age do we become more farsighted and lose the ability to focus on close objects?
In some individuals, long time exposure to UV rays may cause the lens to become hard, lose its transparency, and become “milky”. This condition is called a ___. May occur in one or both eyes. Once it begins, its formation tends to be progressive and may result in blindness
If drainage is blocked for any reason, the internal pressure within the eye will increase, and damage that could lead to blindness will occur. This condition is called ___
If our eyeballs are elongated, the image focuses in front of the retina rather than on it. The retina receives only a fuzzy image. This condition is called ___, or nearsightedness
If our eyeballs are shorter than normal, the image focuses behind the retina, also producing a fuzzy image. This condition is called ___, or farsightedness
___ is an abnormal eye condition resulting in blurred vision. It is caused by an irregular curvature of the cornea or lens
Color blindness, usually inherited condition, is caused by mistakes in producing 3 chemicals called ___ in the cones
Each photopigment is sensitive to one of the three primary colors of light : (3)
#1 green #2 blue #3 red
In many cases the ___ sensitive photopigment is missing and in other cases the ___ sensitive photopigment is abnormal
green ; red
Deficiency of the ___ sensitive photopigment is very rare