BN 15 Flashcards
the absence of brain activity as evidenced by the absence of EEG waves. Brain death is characterized by 3 cardinal findings: coma, absence of brain stem reflexes, and apnea
Satir says people experience these 6 changes when going through the 6 stages of grief
#1 status quo #2 introduction of a foreign element #3 Chaos #4 integration #5 practice #6 new status quo
(know) a person’s reaction to loss does not necessarily depend on the size of the loss; it is much more influenced by the person’s perceived value of loss
The 5 grief indicators
Denial, yearning, anger, depression, and acceptance
(know) the patient will not be offended by your crying and may draw support from a shared experience
What is the goal of palliative care?
To reduce or relieve the symptoms of a disease without attempting to provide a cure
is both a distinct nursing practice area and a philosophy of care for the dying and their families
What is the intent of hospice care?
to help patients in the end stage of life, and their families, to experience the process of death with the highest quality of life and least amount of disruption as possible
Kubler-ross 5 stages of coping with death
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
What does the concept of comfort care focus on?
identifying symptoms that cause the patient distress and adequately treating those symptoms
the study of death
The WHO 3 step ladder for pain relief
#1 start with nonopioid drugs +1 adjuvant ladder #2 if pain persists or increases, add an opioid designated for mild to moderate pain #3 If pain persists or increases, change to an opioid designated for moderate to severe pain
disorder associated with age in which there is a gradual loss of acute, central, and color vision
age related macular degneration
fat soluble hydrocarbon found in dark green leafy vegetables and deep orange vegetables and fruits; converts to vitamin A in humans
beta carotene
opacity (not letting light through) of the lens of the eye, which impairs vision
abnormal pain during sexual intercourse
difficulty swallowing
collection of hardened feces in the rectum or colon
fecal impaction
the accumulation of fluid inside the eye, which exerts pressure on the optic nerve, eventually causing blindness
the use of multiple medications, often inappropriately and excessively, at the same time
fall in blood pressure associated with dizziness, syncope (fainting), and blurred vision that occurs upon standing; also called orthostatic hypotension
postural hypotension
inability to hear high pitched sounds and some spoken words; occurs in old age
age-related decreased ability to focus the eye on nearby objects
noise in the ears such as ringing, buzzing, or roaring
the ability to focus on both near and far objects
visual accommodation
respirations that gradually become shallower and are followed by periods of apnea (no breathing)
Cheyne-stokes respirations
(know) a coroner investigates any deaths that result from injury, accident, murder, or suicide. Any death within 24 hours after admission to the hospital or during surgery, or death of a person who has not been under a physician’s care, is reported to the coroner
(know) position the patient in supine position with a pillow under the head and the head of the bed elevated 15 to 20 degrees. Close the eyelids by grasping the eyelashes and gently pulling the lids down over the cornea. (raising the head prevents pooling of the blood, which might discolor the face. Closing the eyelids protects the eyeballs)
5 of the most common physical care problems that plague the older adult population are:
#1 impaired mobility #2 alteration in elimination #3 alteration in nutrition #4 sensory #5 polypharmacy (sexual concerns are also common)
Walking speed, also called ___, is considered to be such an important measurement in the older adult that it has been described by some as the “sixth vital sign”. Dancing, gardening, home maintenance, and swimming can also promote mobility
gait velocity
(know) environmental factors, such as clutter in walking areas, inadequate lighting or glare, improper footwear, and unsafe furnishings (such as scatter rugs), predispose the person to falls. Even walkers and canes can increase the risk of falls
(know) move older adults slowly out of bed to prevent possible orthostatic hypotension