Malachi Joseph Lesson 3 Flashcards
Behavioral Segmentation
divides consumers according to behavior patterns as they interact with a company. … The objective of behavioral marketing is to: Understand how to address the particular needs and desires of customer groups. Tailor your product or service to meet those needs and desires.
evaluate or check (something) by comparison with a standard.
Brand Butler
a trend identified by trend Brand butlers transform their interactions with customers into basically assisting them in their daily lives rather than merely broadcasting the brand to them.
Brand jacking
Brandjacking is an activity whereby someone acquires or otherwise assumes the online identity of another entity for the purposes of acquiring that person’s or business’s brand equity.
Demographic Segmentation
divides the market into smaller categories based on demographic factors, such as age, gender, and income. Instead of reaching an entire market, a brand uses this method to focus resources into a defined group within that market.
Elevator Pitch
elevator speech, or elevator statement is a short description of an idea, product or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time
Geographic Segmentation
geographic segmentation is about segmenting your audience based on the region they live or work in. This can be done in any number of ways: grouping customers by the country they live in, or smaller geographical divisions, from region to city, and right down to postal code.
the aspect of someone’s character that is presented to or perceived by others.
promote (a product, service, or business) within a particular sector of a market, or as the fulfillment of that sector’s specific requirements.
Profile Placeholder
a person or thing that occupies the position or place of another person or thing The bill would empower the governor to appoint a placeholder to a vacant U.S. Senate seat, to serve through the next general election cycle
Psychographic Segmentations
the process of creating clusters of customers who share similar characteristics and then grouping them together. These clusters will form subsets (or segments) of customers based on their: Social class. Lifestyle. Interests.
Return on Engagement (ROE)
That’s where return on engagement (ROE) comes in. ROE is the overall brand strength gained from a particular action, strategy or product. Here are key indicators of success: Time spent on page, video or ad. The longer consumers want to interact with you, the more they’ll warm up to your brand.
Share of Conversation
So what exactly is “Share of Conversation”? Put simply, it is the percentage of mentions the particular brand receives in relation to the broader conversation
Social media
AuditA social media audit is the process of reviewing your business’ metrics to assess growth, opportunities and what can be done to improve your social presence. Don’t let the word “audit” freak you out, by the way. Social media audits aren’t painstaking or tedious (or at least they don’t have to be).
SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and so a SWOT Analysis is a technique for assessing these four aspects of your business
Target Audience
a particular group at which a film, book, advertising campaign, etc., is aimed