Lesson 1 Vocab Flashcards
The ease of obtaining the tools needed to publish content on various media platforms
A web browser or client application that collects or aggregates syndicated Web content into a single location so that users can easily view the content
An important programming methodology used to build Web 2.0 sites
Amplification Rate
The number of shares per post on a social media channel
Applause Rate
The number of likes per post on a social media channel
A simulation of the user, an actual picture of the user, or another image, such as an animal or cartoon, that represents the user
A collection of entries posted on a Web site displayed in reverse chronological order (from newest to oldest entries)
Someone who creates and uploads original content on a social media service
Conversation Rate
The number of comments per post on a social media channel
A web page made up of a collection of panels that present different information
How many places a particular piece of content is made available
The potential audience on social media
A virtual world free online but additional content or features can be purchased to customize the user’s environment
The number of times within a certain period that a particular item is published in the media
A particular type of metadata tag that is used quite often on social media sites to help organize and find content
How fast content is created and distributed
Each time a piece of content is displayed
Anyone who has the power to sway or persuade others
Instant Messaging
Real-time method of communication in which users can type and view messages sent to one or more recipients, and view the responses immediately, do not have to be online
A programming language used on Web pages to make them interactive
Live Chat
Real-time method of communication in which users can type and view messages sent to one or more recipients, and view the responses immediately, have to be signed online
Live Streaming
Broadcasting live video and/or audio over the Internet to an audience
Merges content and scripts (application programming interfaces [APIs]) from multiple Web sites to create new, innovative applications that contain content the individual Web site authors did not anticipate for their sites
Information that describes other data
Similar to a blog, except it only allows users to send brief (usually 280 characters or fewer) messages
Nested Comments
Replies to individual comments and are posted directly under that comment
Someone who often responds to the social media content posted by others
How long the content exists or can be accessed