Lesson 2 Vocab Nathan Merel Flashcards
Visual Style
Refers to what your content looks like on social media platforms, Images and videos are the primary media used on social media platforms.
When applied to innovation, refers to the process of asking a large group of people to brainstorm new ideas for products, services, or even content.
Divisional Arrangement
- Can also be cumbersome, as communication is inhibited because employees in different divisions are not working together.
Executive Buy-In
Refers to obtaining the acceptance and support of social media integration and initiatives by company leaders.
Flat Organizational Structure
Usually do not have executives, managers, seniority, or job titles.
Functional Arrangement
The physical arrangement of systems and components to provide the service for which the system is intended, and which is described in the system design description.
Hybrid Organizational Structure
Combine traditional hierarchical structures with flat structures to be more efficient or increase productivity in some areas by increasing communication and collaboration.
Matrix Arrangement
Is an organizational structure in which some individuals report to more than one supervisor or leader, relationships described as solid line or dotted line reporting.
Social Charactiers
The dominant mode of production in a society. While individual character describes the richness of the character structure of an individual, the social character describes the emotional attitudes common to people in a social class or society.
Business To Business (B2B)
Communication is both inbound and outbound communication between a business and other businesses, such as partners, resellers, distributors, or even competitors on social media.
Brand Recognition
Is how well consumers can correctly identify your business, brand, or products just by viewing product images, a company logo, tag line, packaging or advertising.
Business To Consumer (B2C)
Communication is all outbound communication the business publishes for consumers.
Company Culture
Refers to the behaviors, beliefs, and practices of all employees that contribute to the work environment inside the company.
Consumer To Business (C2B)
Communication is inbound from the customer to the business.
Consumer To Consumer (C2C)
Communication is two-way communication between consumers.