virtual RS -social media Flashcards
what is the reduced cues theory?
-SPROULL AND KIESLER= CMC RS are less effective than face to face they lack cues you are dependant on during face to face interactions
what non verbal cues are looked at
-physical appearance
- facial expression
-tone of voice
(non verbal cues)
what happens if non verbal cues aren’t present
-deinviduation occurs because it reduces sense of individual identity
-disinhibition in relating to others is encouraged as a result( freer from the social norms)
what are results of reduced cues
-communication blunt and agressive
-as a result there will be reluctance to self disclose meaningful info about yourself
-likely to want to begin a RS with someone who is impersonal or reveal inner most feelings to them
what does walther say about the hyper personal model
-online RS can provide more self disclosure than face to face
-CMC RS can develop quickly, self disclosure happens earlier once established they are more intense and intimate
- also means they can end more quickly because high excitement levels of interaction isn’t matched by levels of trust between the partners
what did cooper and sportolari call the hyper personal model
boom and bust phenomenon
what’s a key feature of hyper personal model
-self disclosure in virtual RS is that sender of message has greater control over what they disclose and the cues they send than they would in a face to face situation
what more does walther say about the sendner in the hyper personal model
-sender has a selective self presentation
-sender manipulates their self image to present themselves in an idealised way
how is self disclosure achieved in the hyper personal model
-either intensely truthful (hyper honest)
- or intensely false (hyper dishonest )
how is the receiver made to feel
-gets a positive impression of sender
-may give feedback e.g respond to a facebook post that can reinforce the sender, selective presentation
what else promotes self disclosure and makes RS hyper personal
what does Bargh compare the hyper model to?
-outcomes are like the strangers in train effect in face to face relationships
-when others don’t know your identity, you feel less accountable for your actions and behaviour so you can disclose more ab yourself to stranger than intimate partner
what is absence of gating in virtual relationships
Bargh and Mckenna talk ab “gate” as obstacles to forming RS
-face to face is gated as features interfere w early development e.g physical attractiveness, shy, stammer
why are gates absent in virtual RS
-virtual RS can develop w self disclosure as it increases in a way that face to face wouldn’t
-virtual RS interested in what they say then sound or look
- virtual can make false identities although more free they can change their personality
weaknesses of virtual relationships
( lack of support for reduced cues)
-online nonverbal cues are different rather than absent
-Walther amd Tidwell= people in online interactions use other cues e.g style and timing of msgs
-taking to long to reply to reply may be interpreted as snub
- nuances in VR may be just as subtle as face to face
-acronyms, emojis can be used as effective subistitues for facial expressions and tone
-this is hard for reduced cues theory to explain because it means VR can be as personal as f+f
(lack of support for hyper personal )
-experimental studies showed showed no significant differences f+f and virtual
-contradicts hyper personal which says greater intimacy of VR should lead to more deeper self disclosure
( multi modal )
- walther argues theories fail to take into account RS are multimodal
-we conduct RS online and offline , either/ or
- what we choose to disclose in virtual is infulenced by our offline interactions etc..
(counterpoint lack of support for hyper personal model)
-whitty and joinson summarise evidence that self presentation is manipulated in VR
- questions in online discussions r very direct, intimate and hyper honest
- f +f often is very small talk
-online convos very hyper dishonest ( invent attvative personal qualities)
- support claims that hyper honest and hyper dishonest self disclosure and there’s difference between f+ f and VR
(support for absence of gating)
-for shy, lonely ppl virtual RS are valuable
- MCkenna and Bargh found these people can express their true selves more than f+f
-romantic relations initially formed online 71% of shy people survived 2 years
- shy people benefit online as gating that instructs f+ f relations is absent online