cognitive explainations for depression Flashcards
what does becks cognitive theory say?
-people vulnerable to depression due to the way they think
-there are 3 parts to this cognitive vulnerbaility
what are the 3 parts to the cognitive vulnerbaility?
-faulty information processing
-negative self schemas
-negative triad
what is faulty information processing?
-attend to the negatives
-ignores the positives
-blow small issues out of proportion
-black and white thinking
what is negative self schemas?
-interpret all info about themselves in a negative way
what is a negative triad?
1.negative view of the self
2.negative view of the future
3.negative view of the world
what is ellis ABC model and what does it say?
-good mental health is a result of rational thinking
-so depression is due to irriational thinking
-affect behaviour state and emotional state
what are 3 compoments in ellis ABC model?
-activating event
what is a activating event?
-believed negative thoughts are triggered by negative external events e.g failing important test
what are beliefs?
MUSTURBATION= ‘i must always suceed, i must always achieve perfection’
I CANT STAND IT-ITIS= “if something doesnt go smoothly its a major disaster”
UTOPIANISM= “life should always be fair”
what are the consequences?
what are the strengths of becks cognitive model?
(good supporting evidence)
Cognitive vulnerabilities are more common in depressed individuals and often precede the onset of depression. Clark and Beck found that these vulnerabilities not only exist in depressed people but also develop before depression occurs. This was supported by Cohen et al., who tracked 473 adolescents and found that cognitive vulnerability predicted later depression. This suggests a strong link between cognitive vulnerability and the development of depression.
(real world application)
-screening and treatment of depression
-cohen et al
-applied to CBT (helps us understand cognitive vulnerbality) = alters types of cognitions that make people vulnerable to depression; more resilient to negative life events
-understanding cognitive vunerabilties is useufl for clinical practice
what are the limitations of becks cognitive model?
-becks explaination of cognitive vulnerbaility is a partial explaniaiton
-beck doesnt inculde some of the more complex emotions
-e.g anger and halluncinations
-so incomplete
what are the strengths to ellis ABC model?
(strenghts- real world)
-psycholgical treatments e.g rational practice behaviour therapy (rebt)
-vigoursly arguing can alter patients irritational beliefs that are making them unhappy
-REBT= change negative beliefs and relieve depression symptoms
-REBT = real world value
REBT can help some depressed people achieve resilence and feel better
what are the limitations of ellis ABC model?
Reactive depression is triggered by identifiable life events, such as loss, trauma, or major stressors. However, not all cases of depression can be linked to such events. Endogenous depression, for example, occurs without a clear external cause, making it harder to trace its origins. This suggests that while life events can contribute to depression, they do not explain all cases, leaving some forms of depression, like endogenous depression, only partially understood.
(ethical issues - blame)
-ABC model places responsiblity for developing depression with the depressed prsn - blaming them)
-makes it unfair