duration Flashcards
what was peterson and peterson study on duration of STM?
-preseneted them w trigrams (3 letters)
-made them count backwards before recalling
-counted for 2 secs then 3 secs
after 3 secs recall was 80%
-after 18 secs recall was 3%
STM lasts between 3 and 18 secs
whats was the limitation to peterson and peterson study on duration of STM?
-recalling consonant syllables does not reflect everyday memory where what we are trying to remeber is meaningful
-lacked external valditity
How did Bahrick study durtaion of LTM?
-Studied duration but focused on LTM
-presented 392 american Ps (17-74)
-they had to recall their classmates using high school year books
what was Bahrick study of durtaion of LTM findings?
-up to 15 years after grad recall was strong (90%)
-but declined w age
-recongiton rather than actually remembering their names
-memories were long lasting but hard to remember names
-some older Ps were able to recall everyhing suggetsing LTM lasts a lifetime
what was the strenght of bahricks study of duration of LTM?
-High external valdiity
-investigated meaningful memories
-(e.g names and faces)
-when LTM done on meaningless pictures, recall was lower (shepard 1967)
-bahrick had more real estimation of LTM duration