non parametric tests- mann whitney Flashcards
when do we use mann whitney
-difference between two groups
-independent groups(unrelated)
-ordinal(individual scores can be put in order)
what is step 1: the table of ranks
-to rank you need to find the smallest value and label it as 1
- if two numbers are the some you add it and it would give u the mean
-e.g 12 appears 4 times (7,8,9,10) then rank is 8.5
-then calculate the sum of ranks for group A and for group B
what is step 2- working out the value of U
-calculate smallest value of U
-use the formula (look at revision folder)
what is step 3 the calculated and critical values
-look at the calculated value
-critical value of U (see if ur is two or one tailed, 0.05?
how do yk the significance
-calculated value is less than critical value or equal to= significant result
-reject null and accept alternative hypothesis
look at revsion folder for example tables