psychodynamic Flashcards
psycho dynamic key features
- vienna 1820s-1900s
2.14 jewish women part of it upper class
3.studied the unconsious specifically dreams
4.most of our behaviour and thoughts and feelings are from the signifcant role of the unconsious part of the mind (repressed and locked away memories)
- ego and super ego- consicous(now)
- preconsicous(available past memories)
- ID unconscious(unavailable)
Defence mechanisms-
rationalisation- mind develops defence
ego balances conflict between superego and ID
conflicts between EGO, SUPEREGO and ID cause anxiety
main features of the psychosexual stages
1.Freud found that unresolved issues in childhood can lead to certain behaviours being carried into adulthood
2.Conflicts must be resolved for the child to progress
3.only relates to little kids specfically little Hans - subjective
4. idiogrpahic- relates to experiences
5.holistic- takes into aspects thoughts,feelings and ealry life trauma
5.determined- says that unconsious conflict rooted from childhood and even the slip of the tongue
oral (0-1)
and consequences
1.pleasure in the mouth
2.normally breast is the object of desire
consequences- smoking, nail biting and sarcastic, critical
and consequences
1.pleasure in anus
2. for example withholding faceas
consequences- anal retentive where the person is a perfectionist and obessesive
anal expulsive- messy and thoughtless
phallic (3-6) and consequences
1.pleasure in the genital area and experience oedipus and electra complex
consequence- reckless and narcissistic,homosexual
genital and consequences
- find their sexual desires
2.onset of puberty
consequence- hard to form heterosexual RS
all earlier forms of conflict repressed.
(inactive, dormant)
defence mechanisms- repression
- repression- trying to remove a thought of distress out of memory in the conscious mind
remove feelings of distress from the true source to a substitute target.
trying to reject a thought or refuse any acknowledgment of reality
Evaluation (positives)
- talks of child development and moral development and how issues can affect their later life
2.huge infulence in pscyhology and literature - brought new forms of therapy opposed to physical therapy it bought psychotherapy
4.explains human behaviour
- untestable most is done in the unconscious part of the brain(ID and odeipus)
- doesnt meet the scientfic criterea of falsification
3.not very applicable universally focused specfically on little Hans and 14 jewish woman in the upper class
4.inappropriate for those with a serious mental disorder
oedipus complex
little boy learns the father role and tries to imitate them but sees the father as competitor first for the mothers love.
electra complex
little girl learns the mothers role and tries to imitate but first sees mother as competitor for fathers love
Overcomes penis envy by getting a man and penis of her own