the biological approach to explaining OCD Flashcards
what is obsession?
-unpleasant thoughts which re ocur over and over again
what is ‘act’ in ocd?
-repetitive behaviours designed to reduce anxiety caused by OCD
how is biological conditioning explaining OCD?
-roots in genetic vulnerability and brain dysfunction
how is genetic explanations explaining OCD?
-genes make up chromosomes
-contain DNA
-determines physical and physiology features from parent to offspring
how do neural explanations explain OCD?
- determined by nervous system (particularly the brain)
strengths of bio approach for OCD
-scientific evidence
-quick, cheap simple treatments
-allows you to seek help
- removes blame and confusion - due to genes
weaknesses of bio approach to OCD
-creates a label
-determinist (can be used to justify bad actions)- only bio factors, little control
-reductionist (ignores other factors), simplify complex behvaiours
what are the genetic explanations to OCD according to lewis?
-observed that of his OCD patients, 37% had parents w OCD and 21% siblings w OCD
-runs in families
what does the stress diathesis model say about mental disorders?
-certain genes leave people more likely to suffer a mental disorder
-stress can trigger the disorder
what is aetiologically heterogenous?
-origin of OCD has many causes
-one group of genes may cause disorder to one person
-but dofferent set of genes cause disorder to another
what are candidate genes?
-genes that create vulnerability for OCD
-e.g 5HT1-D is involved in how efficiently serotonin is transported across synapses
How is OCD considered polygenic?
-caused by many genes
-Taylor (2013), up 230 diff genes may be involved in OCD
-particulalry that asscoiated with serotonin
and dopmaine- mood regulation
evaluation of genetic explanation of OCD
-loads of evidence genes make you vulnerbale to OCD
Twin studies:
-Nestadt et al = twin studies found 68% of identical twins shared OCD comapred with 31% of non identical twins(lower concordance rates)
(Family studies)
-marnini and stebnicki found an individual with a fmaily member with OCD is around 4x as likely to develop OCD as someone without
evaluation of genetic explanation of OCD
-genetic explanations ignore the idea the environemt may increase your risk
-Cromer (2007) found that over half the OCD patients in their sample had a traumatic event in their past
-OCD in those cases was more severe
-idenetical twins dont always share OCD tendecies
(animal studies)
-particular genes are associated with repeatiitve behaviours in other species e.g mice
- but human mind is much more complex than a mice and we cannot generalise from animals repetitve behaviour to human OCD
(candidate genes)
-says that several genes can increase OCD risk
-but it has limited usefulness and predicted value
-scietnist cant look at this and accurately say who will get OCD
what are the neural explanations for OCD?
-genes may affect lvl of neurotransmitters in brain
-serotonin -“happy chemical”
-neurotransmitters relay from one neuron to another
-low serotonin levels= normal transmission of mood info doesn’t happen
-OCD caused by reduction in functioning of serotonin system
decision making systems and OCD?
- hoarding disorder of OCD often associated with impairment in decision making
-abnormal function in frontal lobes
(control logical thinking and decision making)
-parahippocampal gyrus(process unpleasant emotions) functions abnormally in OCD
evaluate neural explanations for Ocd
(research support)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) help reduce OCD symptoms by targeting the serotonin system, indicating serotonin’s role in OCD development. OCD is linked to biological conditions like Parkinson’s disease, which causes muscle tremors and paralysis. Since biological disorders can produce OCD symptoms, it suggests that biological processes underlie OCD, reinforcing the role of biology in its development.
evaluate neural explanations for Ocd
(limitations )
-serotonin-OCD link may not unique to OCD
-some people also experience depression
-two disorders at the same time so co-morbidity
-serotonin may not solely be relevant to OCD symptoms
-serotonin may just be distorted because they are depressed aswell
(weak evidence)
-shouldn’t assume neural mechanisms cause OCD
- evidence is correlational
-although evidence show neurotransmitters don’t function well w OCD
-not the same as saying functions of the brain cause OCD
-OCD might cause abnormal functioning
-negative correlation, not casual