theories of romantic RS- Rusbults investement model Flashcards
what holds a RS together
-higher liklihood RS persists
what are the 3 factors rusbult came up with
-comaprison w alternatives
-investement size
what is the investement model
-economic theory
-further develops from the SET
what was rosbults procedure
asked college students (heterosexual) to complete a questionnaire over a 7mnth period
students kept notes on :
-RS satisafction
-quality of alternatives
-commitment level
what is factor 1?
-based on comparison level
-extent to which partner feels the rewards e.g comparisons outweigh the costs e.g conflict
-satisified generally when getting more out of the RS than they expect based on previous exp and social norms
what is factor 2?
comparisons with alternatives
-judge if RS w diff partner reduces costs and increase rewards
-alternatives can include possibly no romantic RS at all
what is factor 3?
-resources associated w the romantic RS which partners loose if RS ends
what are the 2 types of investement
resources put directly into the RS these may be tnagible such as money and time and intnagible such as emotion and self disclosure
-resources not previosuly featured in the RS which are now closely associated with it
tangibles include possessions bought tg e.g house, mutual friends and children
shared memories(intagible)
why are investements helpful
if investements increase and satisfaction is high than the RS is likely to continue
equation for commitment
-high levels of satisfaction + less attractive alternatives + increased investement = partners will be committed to RS
whats the 4th factor?
satisfaction vs commitment
-commitment matters more than satisfaction
-e.g disatisified partner may stay in RS when investement level is high willing to make RS work and repair so investement isnt wasted.
whats the 5th factor ?
RS maintennce mechanisms
-commited partners use maintennce behaviours to allow RS to keep going
what maintenence behvaiours do RS use?
- promote RS (accomodation)
- put partners interests first(willing to sacrafice)
- forgive them for serious transgressions(forgiveness)
- one partner being unrealisitically positive about the other partner (positive illusions)
- partner negative ab tempting alternatives and other ppls RS (derogation of alternatives)
what are the strenghts of this model?
(research support)
-meta analysis
-52 studies from 1970s to 1999
-involved 11ps from 5 diff countries
-found satisfaction , comparison w alternatives and investement size all predcited RS commitment
-where commitment was greatest RS were most stable, lasting for longer
-results true for men and women across all cultures(homo and hetero)
-universally important features(increases validity of model)
(abusive RS)
-Rusbult and Martz
asked women in shelter why they didnt escape their abuser early when the abuse began
-women felt greater commitment to RS and alternatives were poor and investement was great
-so satisfaction on its own doesnt explain why ppl stay in RS - commitment and investement also factors
weaknesses of model
oversimplifies investement
-Goofried and agrew argue theres more to investement than js resources already put into RS
-partners can have investement early on RS
-investements can include future plans to motivate partners to stay committed to have plans be reality
-model lacks the complexity
counterpoint research support
-correlational but doesnt always give proof of a cause
-cant conclude any of the factors cause commitment in a RS
-it may be more commitment causes more investement your willing to make
-direction of causality may be reverse
-not clear model identified causes.