factors affecting attraction: filter theory Flashcards
what is the filter theory?
-Kerchoff and davis looked at the filter theory to explain how romantic rs form
-for partner choice we have ‘field of availables’
-look at potential partners for RS
-narrow down to desirbales
social demography(1st level of filter)
-geographical location
-social class
-level of ED
-ethnic grp
-more likely to meet those closer to you
-proxmixity allows accesibility
why is social demography important
-makes a more realisitic narrow field of choice
-anyone too different or too far disocunted as a pontential partner
-causes HOMOGAMY where u choose someone socially or culturally similar
-likely to have more in common
-similarities are attractive
similarity in attitudes (2nd level)
-partner will share beliefs bc field of avaiables was narrowed
-similarity of attitudes important particualrly for those tg less than 18months
whats important for those tg less than 18months
-agree on basic values and things that matter to them
-encourages communication
-encourages self disclosure
what does Bryne talk about with the similarity of attitudes
-consistent findings that similairty causes law of attraction
- if similairty doesnt exist then RS fizzles out
complementarity(3rd level of filter)
-one has traits the other lacks
-one partner enjoys laughing whilst the other makes them laugh
-Kerckhoff and Davis= complementarity was most important for long term couples
-at later stage opposistes attract
whys complementrarity important
-feel as a whole
-adds depth to Rs
-allows RS to flourish
what is the strengths of this study?
(research support)
-kerchhoff and davis longitiudinal study
-both partners did questionnaries to acess
-similarity/valyes complentary of needs
-RS closeness measured 7months later by another questionarie
-closeness asscoaited w similairty of value for those tg for less than 18months
complenatairity of needs predicted closeness in longer RS
-similarity imporant in early stage of RS but complentarity important later on
weakness of study?
(counter research support)
-Levinger = many studies havent replicated the orginal findings of kerckhoff and dvais that fortified basis of filter theory
-pattern they found doesnt always exist
-social chnage e.g dating patterns overtime
-kerchoff and davis = chose 18mnth cut off point
-assumed those with 18mnths+ had deeper RS
-filter theory= lack evidence & valdiity
(problems w complementarity)
-not important for all long term RS
-most satisiying RS are complentary
-Markey &Markey= les couples of equal dominance are most satisfied (tg for mean of 4.5 yrs)
-similarity of needs rather than compemnatary may be associated w long term satsifaction.
(actual vs perceieved simialirty)
-actual simialrity matters less in a RS when partners believe themsleves to be similar
-Montoya et al(2008) meta analysed 313 studies and found similairty affected attraction pnly in short term lab based interactions
-lab studies not valid
-Real world RS , perceieved similairty was stronger
-perceive greater simialrites as they become more attacted
-somilairty an EFFECT not CAUSE of attraction (feel similar the longer they are tg )
-not predciited by filter model
why is social change also a weakness
-dating and apps have increased field of availables
-location no longer limits partner choice
-partners now diff religion, ethnic
-online dating helps find people of desire and personality