probability and significance Flashcards
how is the probability sign shown?
-p value
key features of probability
-found always between 0 and 1
-statistical tests to work out how probable it is that something might occur
-research studied have experimental or null hypothesis to be tested
-allows to decide wether ur rejecting or accpeting hypothesis(depend on result)
what does gaining a significant result mean?
-low probability that chance factors were responsible for the result
what does a result being closer to 1 mean?
-more likely results are due to chance
what does P=1 mean
-100% certain that something will happen by chance
what does your p value being closer to 0 mean
-the less likely its due to chance
-more likely to accpet our experimental hypothesis
-reject null hypothesis
what does a alternative hypothesis look like?
-‘after drinking 300ml of speedupp particpants say more words in the next 5 mins than participants who drink 300ml of water’
-opposite to null
what is a null hypothesis and example
-states theres no difference
-‘theres no difference in the number of words spoken in 5 mins between participants who drink 300 ml of speedupp and participants who drink 300ml of water’
what is the 5% significance level?
-is p≤0.05
-equal to or less than 5%
-95% not due to chance
and acc due to IV
-type 1 and type 2 error can be balanced this way
why do some psychologists choose 1%
-choose to be more’strigent’
-for exmaple for medical testing
-have to be sure its effective or safe
what is a type 1 error?
(false positive)
-reject null hypothesis when we shouldnt
-significance level is too high
-think theres phenomenom but there isnt
what is type 2 error?
-accept null hypothesis when we shouldnt
-significance level too low
-may miss the phenomena
key features of critical value/ observed values
-when we carry out a test we get a result = caluclated value /observed value
-need to comapre to critical claue in table
-in some tests calculated value msut be equal to greater than critical value
-and for others calculated value must be equal to or less than the ciritcal value
how do you which critical value to use? tailed(directional) or two tailed hypothesis(non directional) of particpants in the study -appears as the N value in the table
(some tests use degree of freedom)
3.level of significance
what is the rule of R?
-some statisitical tests require the calculated value to be equal to or more than the critical value for significance
-for other tests the calculated value must be equal or less than critical value
-stats tests with ‘R’ in their name are those where calculated value must be equal to or more than critical value.
what is drug testing?
-1% significance level bc its medical and drug testing so they have have to be sure its safe and effective