psychological explanations: cognitive Flashcards
what are cognitive distortions
-faulty, biased, irritational ways of thinking that mean we perceive ourseleves or other negatively
what did lawrence kohlberg say about moral development
-applied concept of moral reasoning to criminal beh
-decisions and judgements of right and wrong develop in stages
-the higher the stage = more sophisticated the reasoning
-based theory on series of moral dilemmas
what did kohlberg find out using his moral dilemmas
-grp of violent youths were at a significantly lower level of moral development than non violent youths (even after controlling social background)
whats kohlbergs link with criminality
-criminals have lower levels of moral reasoning
-they dont progress from the pre conventional level of moral reasoning
what is the pre conventional level of moral reasoning
-they seek to avoid punishment and gain rewards e.g money and respect
what reasoning to criminals have
-child like reasoning
what did chandler suggest about offenders
-often theyre more egocentric
-display poor social perspective skills than non offenders
how do non criminals show post conventional moral reasoning
-non criminals reason at higher levels and sympathise w the rights of others , exhibit honesty and generosity and are non violent.
what is hostile attritubution bias in cognitive distortions
-violence asscoaited w the tendency to misinterpret the actions of others i,e assuming they are being confrontational when they arent
what did schonenberg and justye research
-55 violent offenders were presented with images of emotionally ambigious facial expressions
what did schonenberg and justye find
-when comapred with control group offenders likely than non offenders to percieve the images as angry and hostile
what did dodge and frame find on stemming from childhood
-children showed ‘ambigious provaction’ where intention was neither hostile or accidental
-children who has been judged as agressive were more likely to percieve the situation as hostile
what is minimalisation
-denying or downplaying seriousness of offence e.g theives claiming it was to support their family
what did barbee find in relation to minimalisation
-among 26 convicted rapists
-54% denied they comitted offence at all and 40% minimised the harm they comitted to the victim
what did pollack and hashmall say on minimalisation
-35% of the sample of child molesters said the crime they comitted was non sexual
-36% said the victims had consented