humanisitic Flashcards
What is the main idea of the Humanisitic approach?
it is holistic and takes the indivdual as a whole person and every aspect of them- not reductionsit
How do you achieve personal growth?
the idea of self must be equivlent to ideal self
What happens if theres a a gap bewteen self and ideal self?
A gap causes incogurence where self actualisation isnt achieved
Why do adults lack self esteem?
May be deep rooted into their childhood where they didnt recieve much positive regard
What is cenetred therapy?
This is where the therapise reduces the hap between self and ideal self and helps cope with everyday issues
maslows hierachy
1.physiological needs
2.saftey and secuirty
protection,stablity and rules
3.belongining needs
love,affection and family
4.self esteem
achievement, status and responsiblity
4.self actualisation
personal growth and fulfilment
(not scientfic, nature, nurture, free will and idiographic)
not scientfic- cant be broken into single measures and varibales
nature- biological drives + needs
nurture- infulence on experience on prsn
free will- humans self determined still affected by env but detrmine their developemnt
idiogrpahic- based on individuals (no generalsation) relevant more to individualistic countries
unconditional positive regard
loved no matter what
conditonal positive regard
only loved on the basis of something
positives of humanisitic
1.considers the whole prsn(valid)
2.brings people back into psychology- positive image- free to work towards our desires and gives opimisim and fresh start.
3.recognises counselling techniques- maslows hierarchy
4.used to explain motivation in work place
negatives- humanisitc
1.lacks empircal evidence to support( cant break variables into IV and DV like experiments)
2.more reliable to indiviualistic society rather than collective
(freedom, autonomy, growth) western world application to real world and small impact compared to others(loose set of abstarct thoughts) comapared to biological and behavourism
counselling psychology
1.client centered
2.patient is expert to own condition
3.encouraged to discover their own solutions
4.warm atmopshere, support and not judged
5.empathy, uncondiotnal positive regard shown
6.increase self worth
7.client therapy praised- focuses on present issues and not the past
8. best for mild conditions e.g anxiety