explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory Flashcards
Key ideas on Bowlbys attachment theory?
-attachment has evolved due to survival and reproductive benefits
-innate drive to attach to parents-due to long term benefits
-innate characteristcs of drives= things that we are born with(product of genetics)
-innate drive to attach to parent= is imprinting
What does Bowlbys evolution theory consist of?
-innate tendency to form attachment to parent
-tendency is adaptive advantage to survive
-critical period= how infants form attachments
part 1
-adaptive= makes us likely to survive-safe,food, warmth
-social releasers= unlock innate tendency for adults to care for them
1.physical= baby face and proportions
2.behavioural= crying,cooing
part 2
-crtitical period= up to 2 and a half years
if not formed attachment causes irreversible damage long term
e.g depression, aggressive, delingquency
-monotropy= first attachment is special e.g mother, primary caregiver
What are the two laws that are part of monotropy?
-law of continuity= the more consistent a childs care is the better their atatchment
-law of accumaltion= seperation from mother is negative ‘and the safest dose is therefore a zero dose’
part 3?
internal working model
-special mental schema
-childs future adult RS will be based on primary attachment
What are the limitations of Bowlbys theory?
-lack validity
-babies later form multiple attachments
-first attach appears stronger
-but not very different from other attachments
-other attachments from family can also provide well e.g safe base
-incorrect to think theres a unique quality w only first attachment
(counterpoint to internal working model)
-other factors are being disregarded
-e.g anxiety socially in babies and adults
-may impact parenting
-bowlby may have overestimated the importance of internal working model
(feminists perspective)
- the laws of continuity and accumaltion have negative effects on babies emotions if seperated from mum
-mothers may take the blame for things going on with their child
-restricts some mums going to work
(at the time bowlby said this tho, mothers werent as necessary,they even believed fathers could take on the role)
what are the strenghts of Bowlbys theory?
(the internal working model)
-bailey et al= assesed attachment in 99 mothers and their 1 yr old
-assesed attachment of the mothers to their own parents
-assesed baby attchment quality
-mothers w poor attachment to parents most likely had poor w babies
(support for social releasers)
-cute baby baby behavior elicts interaction from caregiver
-Brazelton et al= observed babies trigger interactions w adults
-primary attachments figures then instructed to ignore them
-babies became distressed & motionless
-so social realeasers are important in emotional development