factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: misleading information Flashcards
how can EWT be misleading?
-police questions may direct a witness to a particular response
-‘smashed’ or ‘bumped’ can suggest a speed of a car
what was the research done on leading Qs?
Loftus and Palmer conducted a study where 45 participants watched clips of car accidents and were later asked questions about the accident. The critical question involved estimating the speed of the cars, with different groups receiving different verbs: hit, contacted, collided, smashed. The study aimed to investigate how wording influences memory recall.
why do leading Qs effect EWT?
-The way Q is phrased infulences how prsn decided to answer
-‘smashed’ encourages answer w higher speed
-wording of question changes the Ps memory of the clip
-those who were prsented w the word smash then reported broken glass(there was none) than those who heard ‘hit’
-verb altered memory
what were the findings of loftus and palmer?
-verb contacted estimated 31.8mph
-verb smashed estimated 40.5mph
-leading Q biased eyewitness recall of event
what was the research on post event discussion?
-Gabbert et al studied Ps in pairs
-each Ps saw clip of same crime
-but at diff viewpoints
-both ps didnt always see the same elements
-both Ps discussed what they saw before indivdually completing a test of recall
what were the findings of Gabberts research?
-71% of Ps msitakenly recalled aspects of the evnt they didnt see
-but picked up in discussion
-control group(with no discussion) had 0%
-evidence of memory conformity
what are the strengths?
(real world app)
This study is important for the criminal justice system as it highlights how police should carefully phrase questions to avoid distorting memory. It shows that eyewitness testimony (EWT) can be unreliable, which is why psychologists may act as expert witnesses in court to explain its limitations. Understanding these factors helps improve the legal system and protect innocent people from wrongful convictions.
why does post event discussion affect EWT?
-mem0ry contmaintion(actual memory unchanged)
-when discussion takes place eye witness testimonies become contaminated
-combine misinformation from other witness with their own memory
-also memory conformity- witnesses go along w eachother
-to win approval or believe other is right
whats are the weaknesses?
(counterpoint to real world app)
-loftus and palmer PS watched a clip in a lab
-diff to IRL event
-what eyewtinesses remember IRL is more important
-but responses in research doesnt matter the same
-loftus is too pessimsitc- EWT is dependable
(evidence againsit substitution)
Eyewitness testimony (EWT) is more accurate for central aspects of an event than peripheral details. Sutherland and Hayne found that when participants watched a video and were later asked misleading questions, their recall was more accurate for central events. This suggests that attention focuses on key features, making them more resistant to misinformation, while peripheral details are more easily distorted.
(demand char)
-zaragoza claims that answers in lab studies
-Ps want to be helpful and not let researcher down
-so guess if they dont know the answer