social infulence and social change Flashcards
what is the order of social change?
1.minority challenge prevailing social change
2. minority gets consistent and taken serious
3.snowball effect- minority gets bigger
4.minority becomes majority
5.normative social change puts pressure on dissenters social norm created
What are 3 first steps in social change?
1- drawing attention- e.g marches e.g draws eyes to situ
2-consistency- many people take part & consistent msg displayed
3-deeper processing- attention spread for ppl to think twice
What are the next 3 steps of social change?
4-augmentation princple-individuals risk their lives
5-snowball effect- press for changes, law passed,minority becomes majority
6-social cryptoamnesia- ppl know ab change but dont remember how it occured
Conformity reasearch for soical change?
-aschs variations showed power of dissent
-one confedrate gave wrong answer = broke majoirty
- environmental and health campaign refer to normative infulence to appear appealing e.g ‘bin it others do’
obedience research for social change?
-milgram when confedrate teacher refused to shock learners- others did too
whats the research support for normative infulences?
nolan et al hung msgs at ppls door to change energy use habits
-every week for one month
-2nd grp had no refernce to other peoples behaviour
-decrease in 1st grp then 2nd
conofrmity leads to social change through normative infulence.
counterpoint for social change
(foxcroft et al)
did 70 studies
-reduce student alcohol use
-small reduction on drinking quantity but none on frequency
-normative infulence not always produce a long term social change
nemeth support point for social change
-minority more engaging
-active search of info
-more creative
-open minds and create new ideas that majoirity cant
counterpoint role of deeper processing
-Mackie says MAJORITY bring deeper thinking
-we like to think others share our same views and think the same
-doubt on validity of explanination on social change.
counter point barriers to social change
Basnir et al
-people can resist social change
-may not want to associate w stereotypical minority
-e.g environmental activists seen negatively
-BUT there still ways minorities can overcome social barriers