biology- genetic and neural explanations Flashcards
whats the importance shown in twin studies
-christiansen= studied over 3500 twin pairs in denmark
found concordance rates for behaviour for offender behavior in 35% for identitcal(MZ) males and non identical (DZ) was 13%
-slightly lower for females
what did crowe find in adopted children
-adopted children w biological mother had criminal record had 50% of having one by 18y/o
what percent did crow find for those whose mother didnt have criminal record
5% risk of CR
what were the 2 candidate genes associated w vio crime
what is the purpose of MA0A
-regulate serotonin in brain and linked to agressive behaviour
what has CDH13 been linked to
-substance abuse and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
what were the findings found of the two violent genes
-found that 5-10% of all severe crimes has attributes to MA0A and CDH13 genetoypes
what is the diathesis stress model
-tendency to offend comes from the combo of genetics and enviornemnt infulence
what did Raine find about the pre frontal cortex
-individuals w anti social personalaties have reduced pre frontal cortex activity
what does pre frontal cortex regulate
-emotional behaviour
what did raine find out about volume of grey matter in pre frontal
-found 11% reduction in the volume of grey matter in preforntal in those w APD compared to control grp
what was research done on mirror neurons
-keysers asked offenders to empathise and their empathy reaction activated
-so they do have empaty but its like a neural switch that has to be turned on and off
-in normal brains its permanently on
weaknesses of genetic explanations
(issues w twin evidence)
-assumes an equal environment
-shared env may apply more for MZ as they look identical so treated similar which affects behaviour
-higher concordance may be in MZ
nature and nurture argument for genetic exp
-presumed adoption studies are a good way of sepearting nurture and nature if crime is genetic adopted child should still be infulenced
-BUT adoptions take place when older so spend several years w bio parents and may be encouraged to still hv contact so bio parents can still exert infulence
strengths of genetic exp
-(support for diathesis stress)
-mednick - 13000 danish adoptees
-when neither bio or adopted parents had CR= adoptees tat did was 13.5%
-figures rose when BP has convictions and 24.5% when both adoptive and BP had
-supports infulence exert by BP and adoptees
strenghts of neural exp
-crime and frontal lobe
-freed= looked at frontal lobe damage and anti social beh
-people w FL damage had impulsive and emotional instability
-FL associated w planning beh
-so supports idea it may cause people to offend
weaknesses of neural exp
(intervening varibales)
-farrington et al= group of men scored high on APD
-had experinced alot of risk factors in childhood e.g parents convicted and neglect
-so could be these varibales also infulecing them
-rs between APD and neural can be complicated
how can we argue biological determinism
-CJS is based on the notion we all have responsibility for our own actions
-only extreme cirucmstances e.g MH they may say we lack responsibility