definitions of abnormality(1) Flashcards
what are the definitons of abnormality?
-statistical infrequency(SI)
-failure to function adequately(FFA)
-deviation from social norms(DSN)
-deviaiton from ideal mental health(DIMH)
things to consider with abnormality?
-certain cultute have diff norms
-if behavior is culturally relative it cant be universal or common for all
-depend on situation or surroundings
-as history changes things become accpeted/ unaccepted e.g homosexuality, women rights
how are psychological disorders diagnosed?
-DSM-5 book with all disorders with symptoms asscoiated
-for doctors to decide what behaviours meet criteria
what was rosenhans experiment?
-see wether psychiatrists could tell difference between sane and insane
-field exp
-8 sane people claim they heard voices e.g ‘empty’ and ‘thud’
-said to have schizophrenia
-discharged with ‘schizophrenia in remission’
what does normal distribution look like?
-bell shape curve
-mean, mode, median in middle
-dispersion either side is consistent
-most ppl near or on mean whilst gradually other decline away
what seen as abnormal on a graph?
-2SD points above or below mean
-usually approx 5% of population
abnormality and statistical infrequency?
-abnormal behaviour is statistically rare
-focus on number of people showing the bahviour rather than the accpetbality(DSN) or imapact it has on daily life(FFA) or overall happiness (DIMH)
-no judgement about quality of life or nature of mental disorders
strenghts of definitons of abnormality?
(real world app)
-clinical practice for diagnosis
-assess severity of an individuals symptoms
-diagnosis of intellectual disorder requires IQ of below 70 (bottom 2%)
-they use assessment tool called BDI
-a score of 30+ is interpreted as severe depression
-SI is useufl in diagnostic processes
strenghts- (benefit from label)
-benefit as being classed as abnormal
-someone with very low IQ can acess support or someone w high BDI can benefit from therapy
-HOWEVER those who can cope with their conditon may not benefit having a label
limitations(cut point between normality and abnormality is subjectively decided)
-e.g depression symptom is difficulty sleeping so we may decide to sleep fewer hours then 80% of pop is abnormal but others may feel that 90% is a better cut point
limitations(cultural factors)
-doesnt consider that whats statitstically normal in one culture is not in another
-problem to judge people of one culture with statistical norms of another
-doesnt distinguish between desirable and undesirable
(some behaviours are desirable and dont indicate mental disorder e.g high IQ but some statistically infrequent may indicate mental disorder.
what are social norms?
-rules that society has about behaviours,values and beliefs are acceptable
-every society sets up rules for behaviour based on a set of moral standards
-anyone who deviates is considered abnormal
what is unacceptable behaviour?
(explicit rules?)
-spoken/writtem and policed by laws e.g murder, robbery
-others unspoken/written e.g be polite