infulence of early attachment on later relationships Flashcards
what is the internal working model?
-acts as a template for future childhood and adult RS.
What were the influences of early attachment on later relationships?
-quality of friendships= kerns(1994) found
-securely attached children= best quality friendship
-insecurely attached= difficulties with friendship
bullying behavior myron- wilson and smith(1998)?
-secure- unlikely
-avoidant- vicitms
-resistant- bullies
rs in adulthood?
(friendship and romantic)?
-secure= as infants - best quality friendship and romantic relationships
-avoidant- struggle with intimacy
-resistant- problems maintain friendships
what did hazen and shaver do?
-looked at association between attachment and adult RS
-analysed 620 replies to a ‘love quiz’
-first section= assesed current most important RS
-second section= assesed general love experiences e.g number of partners
-third section= assessed attachment type
what did hazen and shaver find?
-secure(56%)= good and longer lasting RS, trusting and close
-avoidant(25%)= jealousy, fear of intimacy, uncomfortable being close to their partner and fear commitment
-resistant(19%)= fear rejection- worried partner may leave, strong desire to maintain close, believe they arent receiving enough love.
what can you conclude from hazen and shavers findings?
-findings of attachment behavior are reflected in romantic
what did bailey et al find?
(related to relationship with parents)
-majority of women recreated same quality of attachment they had as a child with their own babies
what did quinton et al find with poor parenting?
-found ex- institutionalized women had difficulties as parents - cycle of privation
-interacted less w their child
-had kids who spent time in care
what are the strenghts of early experinces affecting later life?
(research support)
-strong RS between early attachment type and later development
-depends on type of attachment and later development
-insecure avoidant seems to convey fair mild disadvantages
-disorganised relates with later mental disorder
-secure attachment provides advantages for future development but disorganised disdvantages.
-by knowing someones attachment type we can intervene and help with development BUT we may become too pessimistic and create SELF FULFILLING PROPHECY.
what are the weaknesses of early experiences affecting later life?
(counterpoint to research support)
-regensburg longitudinal study followed 43 individuals from 1 years old
-at 16 years old they underwent adult interview for attachment and no continuity was found
-not clear to what extent quality of early attachment predicts later attachment e.g may be other important factors
(validty issues with retrospective studies)
-doesnt assess early life
-instead questions are asked to adults ab RS with their parents
-identifies their attachment type
-relies on honesty
-hard to know if whats being assesed is early attachment or adult so may be confounding variables- making it meanigless
(self report)
-less valid method
-people lie
-but risks distress(sensitive topics)
(internal working model)
-all studies show theres a link between attachment and later RS(correlation) but no real account given of how IWM forms
-cognitive neuroscience - early experiences do affect the brain developement.