romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation Flashcards
How are children conditions in institutions?
-no attachment figure
-no social life
-less intelligent
-not cared for well
-less toys
-less interaction
how is children conditions compared to in family care?
-strong emotional attachment
-more social
-cared for well
what is institution?
-place like hospital or orphanage children live there for long periods with little emotional care
why were romanian kids put in orphanges?
-issue began under communist ruler Nicolai ceausesu who banned abortion and use of contraception at a time of severe food and energy shortage
what happen to these romanian kids?
-parents left newborns thousands put in underfunded care orphanges
-parents told their kid would be well looked after
what was life like in the orphanages?
-not enough staff
-no toys
-go mad
-crippled and rocking motions
-hands tied
-mental and physical strain
what happened to some orphans?
-18 orphans would be kicked onto streets
to feed themselves
-some adopted abroad e.g Alexandru wolf is now prepping for exams and life after school
What was Rutter et al’s procedure?
(ERA study- english and romanian adoptee)
-followed grp of 165 romanian orphans
-orphans adopted by families in UK
-wanted to measure extent to which good care made up for early experiences
-measured physical, cognitive and emotional development 4-25 year olds
-grp of 52 children adopted around the same time from UK were control group
what did rutter et al find?
-when kids arrived half adoptees had delayed development and malnourished
-at 11years old kids had diff rates of recovery
-mean IQ before 6 months was 102
-comapred to 86 for those adopted between 6mnths and 2 years
-differences remained at 16 years old
-ADHD common in 15 and 22-25 yrs old samples
-those adopted after 6 mnths showed disinhibited attachment e.g attention seeking, clingy to all adults familiar and unfamiliar
-those adopted before 6months rarely showed this behaviour
zeanah et al procedure?
-buacharest early intervention
-assess attachment in 95 romanian kids 12-31months
-spent most of the time in institutional care
-comapred to 50 children who never have(control group)
-attachment type measured using strange situation
-carers asked ab any behvaiours e.g clingy, attention seeking inappropirtaly at adults
findings from zeanah et al?
-74% of control group classed as securely attached in SS
-only 19% of institutional grp
-disinhibited attachment applied to 44% of instituional grp as opposed to less than 20% control grp
what were the effects of institutionalisation?
(disinhibited attachment)
-disinhibited attachment- shown by those who spent early life in instituion (were equally friendly and affectionate to family and strangers)
-most most kids in second year are meant to show stranger anxiety
-RUTTER ET AL= due to the fact they lived with multiple carers in sensitive period for attachment
not enough time to form secure attachment
what were the effects of institutionalisation?
(intellectual disability)
-most showed this when they arrived in britain
-but those adopted before 6 months caught up w control group by 4 years old
can intellectual disability be recovered from?
-can be as long as it happens before 6 months(age at which attachment forms)
what were the strengths of the studies?
(real world application)
-improved psychologists understanding of effects of early institutional care and how to prevent worst of these effects
-led to improvements looking after kids
-now have 1 or 2 key workers playing central role in emotional care
-more effort in adoption
-so those in care have a chance to develop normal attachments.
(few confounding variables)
-there were other studies before romanian study but they experienced high degree of trauma, difficult to dis intangle effects of neglect,physical abuse and bereavement from those in institutional care
-those in orphanage were handed over by loving parents who couldnt keep them
-results less likely due to early negative experience
what were the weaknesses of the studies?
(lack of adult data)
-ERA studies looked at kids from early to mid 20s
-now we dont have answeres to some questions
on the long term effects
-e.g mental health and adult romantic relationships
-long time to gather data as its a longitudinal study- not fully aware of long term effects rn
(socially sensitive)
-show late adopted kids have poorer development.
-parents, teachers and other may have lower expectations or treat them different - self fufilling prophecy
(counter point to few confounding variables)
-however those from romanian orphanage may have introduced dff confounding varibables as quality of care in institutions is poor
-so negative effects may have been caused by poor care rather than institutional care per se.