factors affecting attraction- self disclosure Flashcards
what is self disclosure
-revealing ourseleves to the partner
-more we reveal the more we like them
-reveal likes and dislikes
-reveal our attitudes
-strengthens a bond
why is do you have to be catious around self disclosure
-vital role after intial attraction
-use wisely and effectively to help RS run smoother
what is the self penetration theory?
-Altman and taylor
-process of revealing inner self to someone else
-reciprocal exhange of info
-the more discolsure the more signaling of trust but also penetrate into eachothers lives
-gain understanding
what is depth and breadth of self disclosure
-as b & d increase romantic partners become more comitted to eachother
-we reveal low risk info at the start and as RS develops start to say high risk
-too much/risky info may cause RS to fall apart
what happens to breadth and depth as a RS develops?
-as RS develops self disclosure increases removing more layers to reveal true self
-prepared to reveal inimate high risk info
what is depenetration
-partners self discole less when they disatssfied as they gradually disengage from their RS
what is reciprocity of self disclosure
-REIS and SHAVER= for RS to develop their needs to be a reciprocity element to disclosure
-you reveal in hope your partner will do the same
-the partner should respond in a rewarding manner w empathy and understadning w own thoughts and feelings
-balance of self disclosure to strengthen bond
what is strengths
(research support)
-sprencher and hendrick
strong correlations between several measures of RS satisifaction and self disclosure
-those who believed their was self disclosed were more satisfied and comitted to their partner
SPRECHER ET AL= RS are closer and satisying when self disclosure is reciprocal
-increases validity of theory.
(real world app)
-self disclosure improves communication
-increases intimacy and strenghtens bond
-HASS AND STAFFORD= found that 57% of gay men and women in their study said that open and honest self desclosure deepened their RS
-if less skilled partner used self disclosure this might help deepen RS
-vauable to help those in RS who have issues
what is the weaknesses
(counterpoint research support)
-correlation is no causation
-assumed greater disclosure created more satisfaction but correlation doesnt tell us if this is a valid conc to draw
-maybe more satisified partners self disclose
-satisifaction and self disclose may be independant of eachother or caused by 3rd varibale e.g amount of time partners spend w eachother
-reduces validity of theory of social penetration theory
(cultural differences)
-Tang(2013) reviwed research regarding sexual self discpline related to feelings
-men and women in USA vs in china
-in usa they disclosed more sexual thoughts than in china
-levels of satisfaction were no different in the 2 countries
-we cannot generalise findings as based on more western cultures
(self disclosure and breakdown)
-However , DUCK points out those who go thru RS breakdown tend to self disclose more often and deeply as RS detrioates
-doesnt involve saitisfaction tho and not enough to save RS