atavistic form - historical approach Flashcards
who was lombroso
-he suggested criminals were genetic throwbacks
-they were primitve subspecies biologically different from non criminals
how was the biological approach applied
-their savage untamed nature means theyd turn to crime
-crime was natural tendency rooted in their genes
-offender was not to blame it was their genes ‘innate’
what was the atavisitc form
-cranial and face features which made offenders different to others
what did the atavisitc form include
-sloping brow
-strong jaw
-high cheek bones
-facial asymmetry
-extra toes
-extra nipples
-dark skin
what are other traits that arent physical
-insenisitivity to pain
-use of slang
what were murderes described as
-bloodshot eyes
-curly hair
-long ears
what were sexual deviants said to have
-glinting eyes
-swollen , fleshy lips
-projecting ears
what were the lips of fraudsters like
-thin and reedy
what was lombrosos research
-examined facial and cranial features of hundreds of convicts , concluded there was atavsitic form
-skulls of 383 dead and 3839 living people and saw 40% of criminal acts by those w atavistic features
strengths of this theory
-changed the study of crime
-moved to a more scientific approach of looking at genetics
-describes how particualr people are more likely to commit crime
-helped beginnign of offender profiling
weaknesses to theory
(counterpoint legacy)
-delisi criticises the racist undertones
-features identified most likely found in african descent
-suggested africans were more likely to offend
(contradictory evidence)
-Goring carried comaparison between 3000 offenders and 3000 non offenders
-no evidence of distinct group with unsual cranial and facial features
-but found those who commited crimes had lower than average IQ
-challenged lombrosos validity
(poor control)
-lombrosos didnt compare his offender sample with non offender control grp
-may hv been confounding variable
e.g crimes may be more linked to social conditons e.g poverty and poor ED to why offenders may be unemployed and commit crime.
-his research doesnt meet scientfic standards
(nature or nurture)
-facial and cranial features may be infulenced by other factors e.g diet rather than inheritance